So what is an “AI PC” anyway?

Apple, nVidia, Microsoft, Qualcomm, AMD and Intel have different opinions on the matter, here’s what consumers need to know

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play


It was just a matter of time, really: with machine learning applications taking the world by storm over the past two years in the form of art generators, chat bots and the like, several tech companies now feel that it’s time to ride the AI wave on a consumer hardware level. Why just charge small amounts of money for access to services when people can also be persuaded that they need AI in the form of new computers? Microsoft, Intel, Qualcomm, AMD, nVidia and Apple are planning on riding that wave in 2024 as all six will be promoting different devices equipped with processing blocks specially designed with machine learning and AI in mind.

The problem, at least from a consumer perspective, is that when these companies speak of “AI devices” or “AI PCs”, they do not necessarily mean the same thing. In fact, they often do not mean the same thing at all. It’s confusing, it’s alarming and it’s sure to cause a period of uncertainty in a global market that is already trying to decide what AI currently is, can or should be. That’s a much broader discussion but, when it comes to devices, here’s what consumers need to know.

Intel, Qualcomm, AMD…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |