Sony Bravia 65A90J Review

Untouchable cinematic picture… with a price to match

Kostas Farkonas
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Any OLED TV can claim to offer a high-quality picture these days, so how can a more expensive one stand out from the crowd? Sony found a way to do exactly that and the A90J proves it in a spectacular fashion. (Image: Sony/Disney)

It’s no secret that OLED TVs seemed to have hit a wall during the last couple of years compared to LED/LCD ones: the former still offered top picture quality but were not getting any better overall, while the latter improved in certain areas while retaining their advantages. Ever since CES 2021 and LG’s announcement of new OLED displays, there have been expectations of brighter, better OLED TVs — but those, unfortunately, seem to not have been met by most traditional implementations. So how can a new 2021 OLED TV make its case compared to a number of already excellent — and now heavily discounted — 2020 models?

Sony has an answer to that question: a 2021 model can make its case by combining a better OLED screen, a powerful processor and years of image enhancement experience. The Japanese really do offer that combination with the A90J, their best OLED TV for 2021, a Master Series entry and arguably one of the best products to ever feature the Sony Bravia logo. The hype leading to this television’s release has been insane, to the point that doubt had started to creep in the hearts of reviewers expecting to see what it’s all about: it cannot possibly be that good a TV, even for a Sony OLED, can it?



Kostas Farkonas
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Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |