The PS5 Pro is a cross-gen console and that may be a good thing

Sony’s upcoming PlayStation could actually pave the way for the future in a number of important ways, here’s why

Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play


The PS5 Pro is not officially even announced yet, but it seems that it may be more important to Sony’s future plans than what a mid-gen upgrade would normally imply. (Image: Mahtab Mashuq, Unsplash)

With everything that has been published online in various forms over the last few weeks regarding Sony’s widely expected mid-generation console, the PS5 Pro, it feels that an official reveal may not be long now. Since the cat is out of the bag, it’s not in the company’s best interest to delay this any more than it has to: such a choice could start hurting sales of the current PS5 model at some point, a scenario Sony would very much like to avoid in order to retain market momentum. For the very same reason the PS5 Pro should become available not long after its official announcement — especially if a price cut of the current PS5 model is also in the cards.

That’s how these things usually play out, but Sony sticking with its original plan — despite all the PS5 Pro information leaks of the past few months — is not out of the question either. The company has been working towards this for at least three years, after all, and the release of a new PlayStation is more than a marketing exercise: all the pieces have to fall into place at the right time in the right order for this product to be as successful as it can be. Rushing it to…



Kostas Farkonas
Turn On | Press Play

Veteran journalist, project kickstarter, tech nut, cynical gamer, music addict, movie maniac | Medium top writer in Television, Movies, Gaming |