Drop into the Reflections of Dreams

Cutting through egoic idealism to uncover profound truth

elizabeth Light
TYLO Turn Your Light On
4 min readJun 19, 2019


Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

Years ago I dreamt I was having sex with a man I knew. We were fornicating strictly for the sake of procreation. Both of us looking down, focused on the genitalia in action, and I had the distinct sense that something had happened and he was the last man on earth. We were attempting to repopulate!

It seemed he and I were fated to eventually have a child. Our tight-knit community seemed to think we were a good match. Kept putting us at the same table, if you will. The dream felt strange because although he had made a pass at me, something didn’t feel right and I passed his pass right on by.

Years later, I had an epiphany. The dream had conveyed the true feelings I may have had about that man…

“If you were the last man on earth, you’d have a shot.”

This revelation has had such an impact on the way I view my dreams. No longer as a forecast, but rather a communication from my shadows. An admonition of truth I may be afraid to admit to myself, but still lies buried deep in my rubble of experience.

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

Recently, I was seeing a man with two children. I had a dream that the youngest fell asleep in my arms. I sought the man out to return his little boy, and in some dream way, he bade me keep my post and vanished. The boy was sweaty, began shrinking and shrinking until he fit into the space where his head once was. Arms, legs, and all squished into a tiny bundle. I woke up with my face resting sweaty on my hands.

My whimsical romantic side swooned:

Oh, he trusts me with his children!

The practical analytical side, slowly, with reference to the other dream, stepped in and corrected the earlier heuristic…

He rests the responsibility of his children on you, more and more he will lean until he disappears altogether.

I am reminded of my mother, and how the man who raised me said she’d split the second he came home from work. And how I would climb out the window to search for her (the irony that I now climb in his window is not lost on me!). Integrating the reality of my past conditioning with reflections in dreams creates a double positive of confirmation.

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

That night I also dreamt of the coming of many animals. The bear. Skunk. And many more that I could not see clearly, yet remember feeling joy at their presence. Then came the wolf. A blend of silver, blanco, and black. The energy of this beast struck me. I saw fear and embraced her, eyes down, breath steady, emanating as I do, shanthi (peace).

For some reason, the wolf in this dream elicits more fear than the bear, who seemed soft and known, familiar and friendly.

I was then brought back to the tale of Two Wolves. A fable passed to me by a jester shaman… Another mystical teacher that crossed my path many moons ago. I was reminded at that moment of integration how warm it felt in the dream to be embraced by this dark and light wolf. I awoke knowing this was a reference to the Jester’s tale, and that the dream was a reflection:

Although you have still fear your wand’s darkness, you are capable, and well on the path to becoming friends, allies, and partners.

When you are open, through your waking life and your dreams, that which you have created comes gracefully crashing in.

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

Before publishing, I questioned sharing the details of this current dream. The man with two children is very much still in my life, and I worried the offense the statements of my dream may cause. Fingers at the keys ready to edit pointed details, the phone lit up. His joyful voice flowed through, delighted about some certification thing he wanted to complete. But…

could you just watch the little-ones for two days so I could attend?

On the phone, I couldn’t speak. I’d have to explain the side-splitting laughter at the magical nature of this human experience, and his timely confirmation of dream state reflections, Gracefully Crashing In.

So Blessed.

Photo by Polina DéWarrior



elizabeth Light
TYLO Turn Your Light On

teacher student kirtan writer ocean loving van dwelling déWarrior nomad