Mirrored Reflections

elizabeth Light
TYLO Turn Your Light On
3 min readJun 13, 2019

Healing through integrated experience

Photo by Polina DéWarrior

This is about a homeless woman in Starbucks.

I am also homeless. But I do not say this about myself, because everywhere I turn is an opportunity. I have tools, I am loved, and I am seen.

I may live in a van. But that is my choice. To rise with the sun each day and ride the waves. To feel the vibration of the Earth as it’s inhabitants awaken to new opportunities. That vibration becomes me and my day is spent sharing the pulse of the Earth with my students.

Yoga is my tool. It has taken me across the globe. It has built a community around my intention. Yoga means unity. To unite all aspects of self to aligned understanding.

My ears ever tuned to the cries of those otherwise unheard…

Every time I got up and walked anywhere, her cussing grew louder. The marginalized are reaching out to my heart. Not for handouts, but for legitimate shifts in awareness that create better lives for them as they choose.

I am laying foundations for transformative changes within — reflecting outward to heal others.

Healing may come through many modalities. Words have the power to heal and program our autonomic response to recover. Letting our words flow from authentic emotions allows for interpersonal connections to form. Providing perspective.

This perspective leads to awareness. And awareness is the first step to meaningful transformation.

By observing, we awaken. The words below are my offering. Please allow them in and feel what arises.

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

She shares her trauma

With everyone who will never listen,

Because they don’t know how to hold space,

How to hear such heinous things that happened to her,

That she had no support,


That she had not the tools to process

The rape


The exile for deeds done by others

That she became a pariah

Now sitting,


Storytelling to herself

In the corner of Starbucks.

An ‘abandoned’ aspect of self.

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick



The woman talking to herself is no different than you or me,


Speaking stories to self,

Monologue internal,

Hidden from external.

But same.

“Dominion over …”

… responsibility to care for

We who “have,”

They are we, they are you, they are me,

They are that outer manifestation

Of our inner nation

Co-created by Polina DéWarrior and Peter Rodrick

The solution is INternal.

INward is UPward;

If it’s ascension we crave,

We must mind the mind,

The patterns of thought

The patterns of behavior

That are leaving fragments of the collective behind.

For every single aspect “outside”

Reflects perfectly, magnificently…

The inside.

Photo by Polina DéWarrior

Vastu samye chitta bhedat tayoh vibhaktah panthah (PYS 4.15)

Everything is empty from its own side. We fill it up with what is within ourselves. Sharon-ji



elizabeth Light
TYLO Turn Your Light On

teacher student kirtan writer ocean loving van dwelling déWarrior nomad