Northwestern Mutual turns to TurnGram for Personalized Outreach to Prospective Clients

A short case study of how Northwestern Mutual is using TurnGram to set itself apart from the competition…

Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2018


Back Story

Northwestern Mutual is a financial service organization that provides consultation on wealth and asset income protection, retirement planning, investment advisory, as well as estate and business planning. It’s an organization that prides itself on it’s values: doing right by clients, keeping their promises, and providing the greatest value at the lowest cost. They lead the industry in giving back to their policy owners and take a personalized approach to helping each of their customers

The Challenge

Northwestern Mutual wanted to increase its customer base by reaching out to prospective clients to whom they knew they could provide added value. They wanted to make a great impression and reach out in a way that conveyed their core values and beliefs. That meant mass digital outreach via email or digital marketing wouldn’t meet their needs at all. They felt an impersonal approach like that would provide a bad first impression and deter potential clients.

The Solution

Northwestern Mutual knows that each client’s needs are unique to that individual. So when it came to reaching out to prospective individuals, they wanted an approach that was also unique to each individual. After all, Northwestern Mutual is about helping people achieve their goals in way that is custom tailored to each person.

The approach? Use TurnGram as a prospecting tool to cut through the sea of digital noise. Northwestern Mutual used the TurnGram service to send a personalized message and photo gift to each prospective client they were trying to reach.

The result? Northwestern Mutual was able to cut through the digital noise and actually reach their prospective customers in a much more effective way. It’s well known that physical outreach is 30X more effective than digital outreach. The personalized photo enabled Northwestern Mutual to connect with each person and instantly convey their corporate values, while also delivering their message. A win-win scenario all around. The best part? By using TurnGram, it didn’t impose any extra workload on the team at Northwestern Mutual!

About TurnGram

TurnGram helps businesses accelerate their sales and revenue without adding any workload to your existing team. By using personalized physical outreach on your behalf, we open conversations with your prospective clients, activate your sales leads, and drive referrals from current customers … all without requiring any work from you!

Interested in learning more or seeing how we can help you hit your goals? Contact us today:




TurnGram is a social media photo concierge service. We’re the easiest way to print & send physical photos to friends and family on a regular basis, hassle free!