Turpialdev.com: A New Experience

In turpial we strive to create excellent web and mobile applications, accessible and modern. But what happens when we are our own clients? This question was answered during the work carried out over the last few months to build our new website, and the answer is one that we already knew: we love what we do, no matter for whom it is.

Turpial Development
Turpial Dev
3 min readSep 13, 2018


It is very important to refresh the website of a company regularly, with the passage of time the styles, preferences and expectations of your clients change and their perception of the same site changes; It is a tremendous opportunity to make sure that we are communicating our brand as we wish. That’s why we sit down to re-design our site to reflect how we work and who we are in a clear and authentic way, relying on the strengths of Turpial.

At the beginning, the web page project started with a small group of people who met weekly making use of the time granted as a Creative License within the company. For these licenses we have 20% of our total work time to develop projects of personal interest, where part of the Turpial team began to think about the development.

As a creative license, the Turpial website started with 3 people within the project: two developers and one designer. Little by little they were building this ideas of a more dynamic site, very focused on mobility and especially on the open and close personality that represents us. As the project progressed, more and more people joined in, attracted not only by the fun of the work, but because each person could contribute in some way not only to advance this project, but leaving a part of each one inside. of the code, the design or just an idea.

Something we decided from the beginning was to use completely original photographs. What we want is for the page to represent us as we are, and for that we organized a photo session at our headquarters in Venezuela, as well as photographs of our colleagues in countries such as Spain and Colombia, showing what we really are in our work environment. It was a different day in which we had fun knowing more about ourselves, and all of this was captured in the photographs that can now be enjoyed in each section of our page.

This is our new web page. One that expresses what each of us are, with our differences and similarities, but that together we form a dynamic and very close work team that takes the considerations of our clients as our own and carry out our work with the idea that the assured success of our projects is our own success.

For inquiries about our development and design services, e-mail us athola@turpialdev.com.

You can also visit us on the web: turpialdev.com or instagram, linkedin, facebook, twitter



Turpial Development
Turpial Dev

Posts by Turpial Development and some team members. Follow everything we post at our publication: https://medium.com/TurpialDev