Manifesting Creativity

Tushar Sen
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2021

In order to manifest creativity we must first take a step back and look at what our mindset is when we are creating things in this world. Many people will simply say that their mindset is that they are creative, but this is not really the case. In order for us to be creative we must allow our minds to think of ideas and things that we can use.

If you are constantly thinking about the same old thing over again, then eventually your mind will get stuck on it and you will not be creative.The second step to manifesting creativity is to simply start. We have to go out and take action on the things that we have thought of, but haven’t actually manifested yet. Creativity is a lot about getting out there and actually doing stuff. The more out there you are the more creativity you will generate in your mind.

Don’t sit around, do something!The last and most important step to manifesting creativity is to simply let go and trust in the universe. As long as you don’t try to force anything, or put anything into your mind, then the universe will take care of the rest.

When you start to trust in the universal forces that exist, then your mind will slowly begin to open up to possibilities. This simply means that you shouldn’t think so much about what you want, but rather, just let the mind think and let the universe to create the reality that it wants for you to manifest.

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Tushar Sen

Poet | Screenwriter | Nerd => A poet who recites his poems on instagram ( and a screenwriter (