Indorse and Tutellus join forces to improve user skills accreditations through Blockchain

Nacho Hontoria
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018

Education has evolved greatly over the past few years. With the boom in edtech products and services, learning has now been brought out of the classroom and in case, brought onto the blockchain. Along with it, the issue around accrediting the students and teachers. By that reason, a strategic partnership with, a professional network with emphasis on skills validation, will aim to improve the students experience. is the leading educational platform in the spanish speaking world. With the company has launched a new tokenized platform over the NEM blockchain, letting users to earn money while they learn. Tutellus holds 1 million users and 130,000 active video courses.

The decentralised platform allows users to be rewarded for creating and providing content as well as for using content. Students of the platform upon completion of their respective courses will receive a proof of skill in the form of certificates.

The new partnership will allow Tutellus users to take ownership of their data and through Indorse, help to validate the millions of certificates to make them more relevant to the employers.

We are really excited with this partnership,the user benefits are clear and the aggregate tokens generate value in the ecosystem”, said Miguel Caballero, CEO of Tutellus.

A new avenue that this partnership will open up is the exchange of users with relevance or endorsements in same skills though their tokens.

Despite the fact that is built around the ERC20 token and Tutellus works over the NEM blockchain, Caballero adds, “using systems as end-points and APIs assure both companies an absolute token integration”.

The synergy between the two companies will allow for a more secure and established way students can get their skills validated. Once again, this shows how the application of the smart contracts can help streamline the various industries.

