#MeetTheTutellusTeam: interview with J.Calvo, Tutellus Data Scientist

Nacho Hontoria
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2018

How was your arrival at the Tutellus team and what have you learned on a personal and professional level since you arrived?

I joined the team back in 2014 coming from Education. They were searching for someone with a strong mathematical background to design some algorithms and to help with data mining, marketing analysis and the like. It has been a demanding yet incredibly satisfying experience, that allowed me to grow in fields such as big data, deep learning or non-relational databases. Blockchain is but the last cutting edge technology I am getting familiar with, and I am sure that whatever will be the next technological revolution, Tutellus will be there. We will learn it and then teach it to others.

When was the first time you heard of blockchain technology?

2013. It was a friend, a visionary named Héctor Castillo, who first told me about this bitcoin thing, and about a virtual currency he was developing. He was way ahead of his time, and unfortunately I failed to see the incredible potential underlying blockchain. A mistake I am not doing again.

Do you think blockchain technology has come to stay or is it a fad?

I think we have passed the mass adoption threshold. Institutions and goverments are already moving in, and in one way or another it will become a part of our lives. In a worst case scenario excessive regulations, fear of the unknown and technical issues may slow it down, but blockchain itself is unstoppable. Internet and mobile phones were two similar technological and social revolutions, and blockchain will follow their steps

Why do you think blockchain technology can change the world of education?

It allows for decentralized, peer-to-peer communities that work together to share information, without the need of a central arbiter. Anyone will be able to teach or learn, regardless of resources, their success depending on effort and talent. It will give a chance to people that never have had one, as members of meritocratic global communities.

What is being done to change the lives of more than 100 million people from Tutellus? What are your feelings about it?

The entire project is aimed at changing the Educational sector, every single part of this journey is being done with the big picture in mind. I am excited about the scope of the project, and happy to be a part of it.

When you go out of the Tutellus HQ, how is your life? What are your hobbies?

Busy, and many to count. I like to learn new things, which often means new hobbies.

