#MeetTheTutellusTeam: interview with Nacho G. Hontoria, Director of Social Media at Tutellus

Nacho Hontoria
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2018

How was your arrival at the Tutellus team and what have you learned on a personal and professional level since you arrived?

I’m the newbie in the team because I joined the project in December 2017. I was reading my timeline in Twitter and I read someone who posted a retweet from Miguel Caballero, where he was looking for a Community Manager.

I took a look at the whitepaper and, when I saw that I understood the project I decided to send my portfolio to the company. In no more than three days I was working for Tutellus.

This almost four months I’ve learned to work in a great team and to solve problems that I didn’t imagine before this, like to fight against bots, scammers and spammers in Telegram or to manage more than 1,000 people in our bounty program.

When was the first time you heard of blockchain technology?

I don’t remember very well but probably in 2015. I’m working for a technology website and the media group organized an event about blockchain and banks so I started to read about this new technology. However, I learned a lot during summer 2017 because I started to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Cryptos will go back up!

Do you think blockchain technology has come to stay or is it a fad?

I think we are in a early stage of blockchain technology. Some people say that we’re in the same point than when the internet started to be useful for the common people, and I agree. I think that we have huge possibilities to make great things with Blockchain, like giving more democracy to some countries or contributing against poverty, but we’ve to keep working on it regardless of the price of cryptocurrencies.

Why do you think blockchain technology can change the world of education?

We’re gonna see it with Tutellus in the middle term: if we can empower the people through blockchain and education will be an incredible milestone and will be the first time that a collaborative and decentralized technology help people to improve their lives. The future is exciting.

What is being done to change the lives of more than 100 million people from Tutellus? What are your feelings about it?

I think we have a great team to do it and also we’re receiving a fantastic feedback in social media and also in the events that we assist, so I’m very excited with this project and waiting for June to arrive to see the final result of the ICO. What is better than being able to change the lives of 100 million people?

When you go out of the Tutellus HQ, how is your life? What are your hobbies?

As a journalist I am always trying to learn more things so I like read books about science, meteorology and also sports. I like very much to walk through the countryside with my dog and, on weekends, I’m also basketball referee so that makes me harder to solve difficult situations in daily life.

