The Tutellus solution for EdTech

Miguel Caballero
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017

1. A platform decentralized.

Our goal is to decentralize the online educational model, giving an answer, for the first time, to the endemic sector problems, and to strengthen the link between education and employment.

Imagine a platform that pays users for learning. The best the formation the student gets, the bigger the value the student has in the community. And it is rewarded for it. It is a platform where the student has an additional motivation: to earn money while studying.

Imagine a platform where teachers earn more money for the proved excellence of their students, and how it will affect their motivation and the quality of both the final product and the dedication to the students.

2. Assets tokenized.

This is our vision: a decentralized model where students get digital assets while studying, having a choice between trading them to get liquidity or keeping them as relevance to get access to VIP services. For example, by identifying employment opportunities, we could rise a scholarship for the most talented students, and share the benefits. And the entire system will be ruled by a set of rules inside the platform, working on its own.

Imagine now that the current technology allows to make this a reality.

Digital assets will be tokens, the ‘coin’ to be used for all transactions in the platform. The platform will operate following rules to be implemented as smart contracts, ensuring the full digitalization and the autonomous operability of the platform. A smart contract will be used, for example, to distribute the income coming from third entities between students with high relevance, their teachers, and the platform.

The development of Blockchain and, particularly, Ethereum technology, provides the tools to make this vision true.



Miguel Caballero

Cripto builder. Tutellus, TurinLabs, Reental, Nash21, FITtoken, Zeemcoin, QSM y otros. Escritor (3 libros), divulgador y, como diría Feli, un tío de PM.