Tokenizing Teachers: our new digital asset

Miguel Caballero
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2018
A new stage with a bigger decentralized governance starts, where token holders decide who Teachers should be tokenized, sharing with them profits and rights.

When we started to create the token business model in june 2017 we couldn’t imagine how fast this new industry would evolve. To be able to develop the business model (“Tutellus pays users for learning”) we designed from the first moment a both side model token:

  • The STUT, an internal token that measures Relevance. You can decide if you hold your Relevance (=reputation) or change it to Cash, losing it.
  • The TUT, an utility token that fluctuates and is used to access products & services and to reward users.

In this initial model we were betting for Students. We tokenize students -actually Relevance’s Students- based on the STUT token. That’s right but… why do we forget the other side of the table, the content providers, for being tokenized?

Teachers are digital assets that can be tokenized

Considering Teachers as digital assets we bring more value to the full Ecosystem. A teacher is a real asset, an “alive P&L” who generates Cash Flows and profits depending on the courses sold. If we could capture a piece of this value and could offer them to token holders the value proposal of all the model would grow exponentially, closing the loop and been token holders first people interested in increasing revenues of their tokenized teachers.

We captch 30% of future Teacher’s profit and offer them to token holders, through TUT tokens

In this model, the TUT migrates (swaps) to Teacher’s token (TTUT), supporting as many different TTUTs as teachers are tokenized. The TTUT has 2 main value proposals:

  • Giving access to 30% anual Teachers Profits over the next 5 years.
  • Offering a collateral to guarantee an IRR≥75%, as exclusive rights over all content the tokenized teacher produces in the platform.

In this new scenario the TUT token’s life is limited: it’s an access token and the vehicle to get the swapped token, the real digital asset, the TTUT. The TUT has a fixed price and the TTUT fluctuates depending on expectations.

How does the token work?

Investors get the TUT token (1) in the ICO and after it we tokenize teachers in the ‘Teachers Tokenization Event’ (2); once best teachers are voted and selected (3), investors swap their TUT tokens to Teachers Tokens (TTUT) (4), getting rights over their teacher’s benefits during the next 5 years (6). Tutellus funds and promotes the tokenized teachers (5).

With this new model -alive since october 1st 2018- the TUT token will be offered exclusively to accredited investors. You can join the WhiteList here.

A more decentralized governance for STUT and TUT token holders

Users with the most STUT tokens will decide a lot of actions in the platform associated to courses, careers and content. Investors with the most TUT tokens will decide actions associated to teachers: who are the ones that should be tokenized in each “Teachers Tokenization Event (TTE)”.

First TTE (beta) will be in november 18, when we’ll tokenize up to 10 first teachers and will generate the first TTUT tokens. The first big TTE will be in june 19, with the platform ready for voting and scoring selected teachers.

What are the Benefits for tokenized Teachers?

A Teacher tokenized has much more opportunities to get more profits:

  • We invest from Tutellus 50% of money raised in that Teacher in promotional and publicity budget, so Revenue will grow.
  • We anticipate up to 10% of money raised as an upFront for the teacher to a budget oriented to create and improve video contents.
  • Teacher tokenized has hundreds or thousands of token holders who act as affiliates, prescribers or sales people, recommending their courses and increasing benefits for both parties.

STUT and TTUT keep aligned, empowering users

Nothing has changed about the STUT and how students can earn money studying. The main news are about the TUT, where we transfer the value to the swapped teacher token (TTUT) including real profits and rights for token holders.

The liquidity for TTUT token holders will be provided in a first stage inside the platform and will be ready during 2019. Market evolves really fast so we hope to add new liquidity options.



Miguel Caballero

Cripto builder. Tutellus, TurinLabs, Reental, Nash21, FITtoken, Zeemcoin, QSM y otros. Escritor (3 libros), divulgador y, como diría Feli, un tío de PM.