#TutellusRoadshow: our first Asian trip to improve the world with Education

Miguel Caballero
Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2018
From the roof of Wooloomooloo, Hong Kong

It’s a fact that Asia is the most advanced region in the world for crypto. We knew it and we planned a first 2 weeks Roadshow visiting different countries, presenting Tutellus.io and establishing the first links to create local communities. Here is the resume of what we did in the trip :)

1. Singapore, Coinagenda and crypto party.

Miguel (me) speaking with 2 guys in Coinagenda

We started visiting Coinagenda event, meeting old friends and promoting a local cryptoparty at night. We also knew NEM projects promoted from big guys like Jeff McDonald, exVP of NEM foundation and a good friend of the project.

Miguel and Jeff McDonald, exVP NEM Foundation

We also were presenting Tutellus to the local community. Instead of doing it in the Coinagenda event, with a classical pitch format, we organized a small party, meeting there the people.

Yep, I was sweating like a pig

2. Shenzhen (China), the factory of the planet

We started the Chinese tour in Shenzhen, a huge city with a very spicy food I wasn’t prepared… but I survived :)

Before pitching in a Crypto building

We presented Tutellus in a building that hosted exclusively Blockchain companies (LoL). Here we met a big Educational Corporate which we are just closing a big deal, we’ll announce very soon :)

And we also had time to know the local culture.. empty streets!

3. Guangzhou, a modern (and interesting) city

We met again interested local leaders guys from crypto ecosystem. There is a real need of systems like ours, to improve Education through a rewards system that empowers people. We presented in Bee+ coworking space.

With the guy who helped me as translator (nobody speak english in China!)

4. Shanghai, the most “occidental” place of China

Jump around! … at The Bund

Shanghai was, in fact, the place where I found just a few occidental guys. It’s also the city where NEM has its chinese offices, so we were also with the whole team presenting Tutellus and enjoying the local food. Thnks guys for supporting us! :)

With the NEM team in Shanghai offices

5. Beijing, the capital of the empire

We were -again- presenting Tutellus and meeted with some big Crypto funds. I couldn’t enjoy the city, no time even for going to the “forbidden city”. But we were with the NEM CEO guy kindly supported us as our local guide. Thnks again Steve!

6. Hong Kong, coming back to Occident :)

Big city, a lot of crypto, usual food… definitely I enjoyed in HK learning, visiting and eating. One bad point: too hot again :(

We presented at Genesis Block, the most famous place of the city as crypto ecosystem. And after 14 days of travelling, we finished this trip. Thanks to all guys who were supporting us, specially Trikar and all guys from NEM Foundation, Cryptonomos team and all people who was interested in us.

The full team + some friends in Hong Kong. Thnks everyone!

You have the full TL on Twitter, here.

And in 1 week we go to… Korea! stay tuned! :)



Miguel Caballero

Cripto builder. Tutellus, TurinLabs, Reental, Nash21, FITtoken, Zeemcoin, QSM y otros. Escritor (3 libros), divulgador y, como diría Feli, un tío de PM.