why am i freakschooling

jvlia swiech


A couple weeks ago my friend asked me what do I basically do, so I started wondering and came up with this:

freakschooling - taking education in your hands as a result of freaking out while being inside a traditional school / university.

So I started to continue this freakschooling process.

Freakschooling gives you boxes to think outside of. You learn how to think critically about classical schools’ values, their rules and students’ musts or mustn’ts. I became my own skills developer, learning how to use the online and offline resources for my education. I started getting to know more people which weren’t only my age-mates and from whom I was able to learn and exchange ideas. It gave me freedom to design education based on my needs. I had a chance to discover other sources like MOOC’s, amazing YouTube channels, and events which I wouldn’t even hear about if I was still reading 15 textbooks at one time.

So I started really experiencing and creating new challenges for myself. I realised, that having the exact school routine everyday, takes away from you the ability to design days on your own, taking time for exploring yourself deeply and becoming a startup-person based on design thinking process made for you, by you.

Then I asked myself, where am I going to find other freakschoolers, if I am the only one formally homeschooled in my entire school. How am I able to learn alone about things which I am curious about, without having along people curious about that things, too? It turned out, they existed, hidden in the dessert of critical thinkers. I found people who were educating themselves in a slightly different way that the society told them to, who didn’t even know they have been freakschooling. Learning all the skills you’d like to get all by yourself is nearly impossible, so besides using social learning theory in life, there’s a way to go even more social by creating or joining existing learning communities.

what is university?

So what is freakschooling itself?

Being self-aware. Giving yourself power to create your own educational structure and space to think about certain values in order to find your individual fulfilment.

stay freakschooled.

jvlia swiech.

