Are you listening?

Kamilah Kashanie
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2017

Hey, it’s Hannah, Hannah Baker…

Another Round Podcast Live Recording

This past year, I feel like audio recording has blown up. At least within my social circle. Suddenly everyone is interested in podcasting. Either starting their own or listening to up-and-coming podcasts. Shows like This American Life and Reveal have been gaining traffic on social media and taking over the “typical” news cycle. For those who can’t sit and watch the news, listening to it on the go is perfect.

Personally, I’ve always been partial to forms of audio storytelling. When you’re listening to something, you’re forced to focus on the raw sounds. Watching the news on television or on your phone comes with so many distractions. “What’s the anchor wearing? Is the lighting good? I like her makeup. That’s an interesting green screen.” Blah blah blah. With audio you don’t have all of that. As much as my mother wants me to be a news anchor, I’ve always told her I wanted to do radio instead. So people will hear what I’m saying unfiltered, not distracted by my clothes or my makeup or whatever else they may be looking at.

Podcasting has created a system where people of all interests can listen to anything that appeals to them. There are so many different genres and styles and formats, no one can get bored. There’s a venue for the true crime fanatic, the style and fashion people, and everyone in between. Just in my own list of subscribed podcasts, I have about 8 different types of storytelling going on.

Audio storytelling has also introduced itself into popular culture. The Netflix show 13 Reasons Why created an entire storyline that revolved around characters in a high school listening to tapes. And not figuratively, literal cassette tapes in 2017. Although based on a book, they brought the story to life in a way that sparked up the interest in audio storytelling. You’re forced to take a real “look” at what’s being said when you’re ears are the receivers.

I’d be willing to argue that audio is the best way to tell a story in 2017. There’s so much going on to be distracted by in the world today. Especially when it comes to news. An uninterrupted line of information is best received when there’s only one way to get it. I use audio to get my news everyday. Think of how much clearer information would be absorbed if people had to practice active listening in their everyday life.

