The importance of Black Twitter

Sidney Brunson
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2017

Black Twitter is its own group on the social media site Twitter. It consists of members who are predominantly black but members don’t have to necessarily be black people. It has been its own movement since 2013.

Black Twitter members are good for “roasting” people, “dragging” people and their amazing sense of humor. No, it is not about a hashtag, it is deeper than that. It’s like their own organization on twitter.

Black Twitter has it’s own voice at which people from all over the world come together to keep this voice alive by tweeting, retweeting, sharing links, posting memes and so on based on whatever the topic pertains to for that particular moment. For examples hashtags such as #growingUpBlack and #BlackLivesMatter has been a major part of the Black Twitter organization. Every year Black Twitter takes over while tweeting about different events such as the oscars and other award shows, different events, trending topics and other cultural related things.

Example of the #GrowingUpBlack hashtag at it’s best
Example of the #BlackLivesMatter Hashtag at it’s best

Black Twitter always breaks the internet with everything they come together for. Black Twitter even gets it’s own press. I choose not to take part in Black Twitter because my roasting skills are not all that; my dragging skills are incredibly amazing but I rather not be mean over the internet and I’m hilarious but not everyone else sees that. Plus in order to keep up with the dragging and roasting you have to have a lot of time on your hands and be quick with your comebacks so it isn’t really for me.

I would really have to take my time and do my research just to make sure my jokes are relevant and could really hurt someones feelings. However, I do love sharing everyone else funny posts and retweeting things of importance pertaining to the culture. Black Twitter is a cultural thing and anyone who can relate to the culture can truly get the gist of how Black Twitter operates. There are many different things under many different circumstances that will get you dragged.

For example, cultural appropriating, saying anything prejudice against blacks or the culture, black people denying that they’re black and the list goes on. Black Twitter will make jokes about their people but dare anybody from another race try to make the same jokes towards a black person and you will get dragged by Black Twitter. The best way to keep from getting dragged is to watch what you say and be cautious when tweeting. #ForeverBlackTwitter

