Broadcast VS. Social Video

Luisa Monique Arias
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2017
Photo by Laura Lee Moreau on Unsplash

Social videos have become more popular on social media platforms, while broadcast videos are the traditional form that many are used to seeing. Social videos tend to be shorter, while broadcast videos last longer. Social videos cater more to the young mind, while broadcast videos are more diverse in the sense of it’s audience. But these are just some of the main differences between the two types of video.

I’m the type of person that prefers to obtain their news or information in the most simpliest manner. I do not like videos that add the extra meaningless fluff. When I want to hear the keys facts and only the information that I need.

I’m going to use this years election results as an example. My ideal way to find out about the results is just by Googling it but if I had to choose between social and broadcast video — I would most certainly choose social. Remeber I said I don’t like to hear the extra fluff? Well politics is one of those topics where I refuse to watch on broadcast news. Broadcast videos that speak about politics literally draaaaaaaaaag the information. Something like this …

This video from MSNBC contains a lot of commentary which I always try to avoid. When videos have a lot of commentators, I tend to get less into the video. Hearing so many people give their opinions on topics such as politics, is overwhelming for me, so after awhile I want to stop watching it.

And then there’s this social video …

Video from NowThis on Facebook

This social video I found on Now This provides more facts than opinion. It doesn’t have commentators talking about the topic — it goes straight to the main point. It’s also a shorter video which for me, makes a big difference because like many millennials, my attention span isn’t the greatest.

I’m not sure if it may be because I’m a millennial but I definitely prefer social videos instead of broadcast.

