Reading the News in 140 Characters or Less

Luisa Monique Arias
Published in
3 min readSep 25, 2017

Social media has become one of the most popular ways for people to obtain their news. In fact, according to a PewResearch study, a total of 62 percent of adults in America get their news through social media. That’s more than half of the American adult population! Let that sink in.

According to that same study, Twitter happens to be the third most popular social media platform for news gathering. I would have thought it would be the most popular platform — mostly because Twitter is my favorite way to obtain news. What better way to get your news quickly and effectively as Twitter does? With less than 140 characters you are able to get news without all the fluff. It’s all straight to the point, straight forward information and if you want to read the full story, you’re free to click the link provided.

Most news organizations have an official Twitter page and I happen to follow a handful of them. Some are The New York Times, The Washington Post, VICE, and Univision Noticias just to name a few. All of these news sources use Twitter as a means to get the news out fast.

Jorge Ramos,

Besides major news organizations, my favorite person to follow on Twitter is Jorge Ramos, a journalist and news anchor for Fusion and Univision. Ramos is my favorite journalist, so that might be the reason why he’s my favorite on Twitter, but in all honesty, he is the definition of defending the people and having no filter. These characteristics are what I normally look for in a journalist and he has them. With his poise, intelligence, and sometimes sarcasm, Ramos has a way to connect and still inform his bilingual audience.

Connecting with his audience is something Ramos likes to do quite often. In the tweet below, Ramos asks if anyone was near Ixaltepec, Oaxaca because he wanted to know how things were going and if help had arrived after the earthquake.

After hearing that Donald Trump could possibly end DACA, Ramos tweeted this to DREAMERS. This is my favorite yet.

And he did retweet a lot of the Dreamers’ stories. 🙌🏽

Without a doubt, Ramos is one of those journalists who are not afraid to speak their mind. He has tweeted several, if not hundreds of times stating that he is clearly against Donald Trump and his beliefs, especially his immigrant beliefs. One of my favorite tweets depicting just that is when Ramos made a list of all things Trump has proposed or done against immigrants in the country.

As you can see, I’m all for Jorge Ramos and I aspire to be like him one day. 😎

