My Twitter Chat Experience

Sidney Brunson
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2017
Flatbush Ave station to Brooklyn College. Photo via Wikimedia Creative Commons.

I have learned a lot of valuable information pertaining to Brooklyn College and how Twitter works and how it can be used from hosting a Twitter Chat with my fellow classmates.

Being a part of a Twitter Chat for my TVRA4040 class has allowed me to utilize Twitter more than I ever had before. my classmates and I promoted the chat through the Hashtag #BCtalks where we would ask questions based on Brooklyn Colleges resources and many other things. We also used the Hashtag #TVRA4040, shared a medium post through twitter and created a flyer in order to promote our social media class so people could know who and why we were hosting this chat.

In order to try to get more people to tune in, my class mates and I took to other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat where we also promoted the chat. We would tag the president of Brooklyn College and Brooklyn Colleges Twitter in hopes that they would notice us and retweet us. I even went as far as looking through Brooklyn College’s followers and followed students, professors and alumni in hopes that they would follow back and tune in to our chat but we weren’t so lucky.

Tagging the Journalism and Media Studies Advisor John Anderson in a question I asked, “Is speaking with your advisor beneficial?”

It was cool because he acknowledged us by liking my tweet and he retweeted my classmate Ema’s answer to my question. We also had a couple of people who joined the chat and answered Our questions and even asked their own so it was a decent turn out. My classmates and I answered one another’s questions to make it an actual chat and it was very fun.

Being that I am new to Twitter and only use it for school purposes, I learned that tagging people on twitter will potentially get them to promote or retweet what ever the topic is on and it will get more attention. Also, the more followers you have the more effective a Twitter chat like the one my class hosted will be effective and others will actually join in.

I believe something that would of lured more people into chatting with us would have been face to face and physically promoting the chat, not just through mostly social media. We should have posted flyers throughout the building, on windows, gone up to more people, tried to have promoted it at different school events and so forth. Also the use of Emojis when answering questions made it even more fun and engaging and was a good way to bring more attention in to the chat.

Other wise, I have learned where a lot of people’s favorite places to eat on campus which is Starbucks, their favorite place to sleep is the library, people benefitting from speaking with their JAMS advisor, I learned about people’s concerns as far as any improvements they would like to see on campus, who the Brooklyn College President is, how people feel about the library being closed and now having to order their books online, which bulidings or class rooms were not the most pleasant and other interesting information.

My Two questions for the Twitter Chat. Click to see answers.

