What I learned in my social media class

Sidney Brunson
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2017

The social media and production class was a very interesting and productive one.

Although it was hard to keep up with the photo-a-day challenged, I learned a lot about what holds my interest and why. Also by what I did post, I learned that I like personal photos that are simple but have valuable meaning behind them. It is a hard challenge especially when you’re doing the same things every day with the same scenery like being at home, work or school. When you have a set schedule like mine, you have to think outside of the box and be creative. Even if whatever your photo consist of seems boring, try to explain the meaning behind it because it could actually be interesting and worth sharing.

The Twitter chat we had was very engaging. Although few people participated, those who did were into it and brought excitement to the project. The back and forth communication and the retweeting of the Q&A was exciting because we got to know a lot about people’s preferences and opinions pertaining to Brooklyn College Campus and their every day life.

The Faceook Live project was new to me since I never went live prior to the assignment. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get internet connection at the location I attended, but I was still able to record the festivities and conduct interviews. Seeing the news reporter cover a crime scene on Facebook Live was an eye opener although I wasn’t too surprised because of todays day and age. It was interesting to see such a thing, although I don’t know how professional I would rate that on a scale of 1–10.

Learning how to make GIF’s was very exciting. I also learned the correct pronunciation of the word. I always wondered how people made GIF’s and I finally learned. I prefer to use a GIF for a short clip or a couple of photos with words on it rather than to make a GIF out of a longer video with too many photos. Creating Memes was also fun.

Doing the Instagram story was my favorite part of the semester. I was able to cover the Breast Cancer walk by using IG. I conducted a couple of interviews, took photos using the boomerang feature, took photos and videos. we wrote text on the photos and videos after scribbling, using the highlighter that IG offers which happened to make the project more fun and creative.

The difference between social and broadcast news was a close second for my favorite part of the semester. We got to discuss and view examples of the two. When it comes to more serious news, I do happen to prefer the broadcast over the social. When it comes to human interest news, I prefer the social videos. Also, audio storytelling as a way to tell news is very effective. It allows listeners to paint a picture of what is being said by the narrator. It also allows people to develop good listening skills.

The social videos we created made me realize how much I would enjoy creating documentaries as a way of story telling. With the interivews, pictures, and the method of storytelling in chronological order of events that took place within the story being told, definitely holds my interest.

