Did #TeamTrees Really Raise Awareness?

Elon Lusk
TVS media
Published in
1 min readJan 11, 2020
20 Million Trees planted for #teamtrees

Essentially, it did.

20 million trees were planted, and everyone who donated was legit. But people still want to know if it rose awareness of the Climate Change situation. Before moving on, I do want to say, solving climate change isn’t just planting trees.

Solving climate change is also cleaning our oceans, cleaning the air, cleaning garbage from land, not using fossil fuels, and use renewable energies.

People like Elon Musk started Tesla for the reason to STOP climate change from escalating, But most of the world still uses fossil fuels as their main energy source.

Photo by Maarten van den Heuvel on Unsplash

#TeamTrees did raise awareness, people have been talking about climate change more often, and YouTube talked about it on twitter. But sadly, some people have been late, as there are cleanups every single day, many people still litter, and throw stuff into the ocean, and onto the roads/sidewalks making animal’s lives harder.



Elon Lusk
TVS media
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