How TVS motors is leveraging the power of data analytics to improve customer engagement

anand das
TVS Motors technology blog
2 min readMay 28, 2019

The key to engage with the customer is to understand her.

With increasing digital penetration amongst the users and suppliers, there is a greater opportunity to understand the customers (and engage) by leveraging data of the customer-supplier interactions captured on various digital platforms.

With an increasing penetration of smart phones users in india (84% increase by 2022, from 2017 base), a significantly large base of two-wheeler user is becoming digitally active. In parallel, the automobile manufacturer and its distribution channel becoming digitally present, using cloud/SAAS based solutions for day-to-day transactions and communications.

In the Current scenario, engagement frequency & value between customer and OEM drops drastically, after the free service period is over.

A typical two-wheeler customer in her lifetime, engages with the vehicle manufacturer and its distribution partners, during the customer buying cycle (awareness, consideration, preference and purchase) but the engagement drops drastically in the post sales phases. Most of the customers come back during free service period and the visits drop dramatically after free services are over.

So, the real question is, how can the customer engagement be improved. In terms of lifecycle, frequency and value. The real opportunity lies in our ability to answer a few key follow-up questions

Q1. how can we engage with an existing customer more frequently, and not just limited to the quarterly service cycles.

A rider uses the vehicle multiple times a day or a week. Every time the rider rides the two-wheeler is a customer engagement opportunity for the two-wheeler manufacturer.

Q2. What hook will trigger the rider to engage with us between her/his busy digital schedule. (we are competing with all other activities on the smart-phone)

Answers could be many. I am just listing a few. Real-time personalised Insights that helps a better upkeep of the vehicle. Insights that helps personal safety while driving. Insights that helps reduce to cost of ownership. Actions what helps improve my social status.

SO, HOW IS DATA ANALYTICS helping accomplish this vision of improving customer engagement for TVS Motors.

I will come back tomorrow to explain this in detail. < Work in progress >

