Meet Our Team: Rowan Novinger

Lise Wessel
Published in
3 min readOct 3, 2023

What is your role & what do you do at TVVIN?

I’m happy to be a part of the TVVIN team, working mostly on our marketing efforts such as Medium publications, the TVVIN whitepaper, the pitch deck, and more. I try to make sure that anything we publish is clear, and accurately reflects what we intend to convey. I enjoy finding that perfect word or words for succinct and meaningful communication!

What did you do before TVVIN and/or what else are you involved in besides TVVIN?

Before I was involved with TVVIN, I did similar work with other projects on Cardano, including the decentralised identity solution, IAMX. I’ve been involved in the crypto and web3 sphere since 2017, when I started buying ETH and BTC. Since then I’ve contributed to a number of DAOs and projects across the Ethereum and Cardano blockchains, developing many new skills and meeting some great people along the way.

So you’re working with blockchain now, but what did you want to be when you were younger?

Though I’ve enjoyed a variety of employment opportunities, I’ve been a public servant for many years. Before that, I was a student for a long time with the idea that I would have a career in academia, but by the time I’d completed a Master of Science I’d become disillusioned with the prospect for a number of reasons, not the least of which being the grueling experience of tenure-track professorship! This breadth of experience and my science education have helped me enjoy and excel along the way, and I’m excited now to be building with the TVVIN team. Before I had to grow up, though, I dreamt of becoming an astronaut and went on to complete a degree in astrophysics. It turns out I am too tall to be an astronaut; good thing the cryptosphere doesn’t have height requirements.

What are your hobbies and/or passions outside of web3 & Blockchain?

Though it doesn’t exclude web3 and Blockchain, one of my prominent passions is to better understand myself and others, and the systems within which we all operate, overt or otherwise, so that I can make choices and direct my efforts towards building a future where we’re truly free, empowered, and actualised.

Otherwise you can find me cooking with my wife, cuddling our dogs, building a campfire, or planning the next D&D campaign.

Finally, why are you a believer in TVVIN?

I’m a believer in TVVIN because I believe what we’re building is both meaningful and necessary for the evolution and broader adoption of blockchain technology. I see the potential of this project, and the enthusiasm and dedication of the team excites and invigorates me. The TVVIN team is comprised of principled, passionate, and skilled individuals who genuinely believe in what they’re doing!

TVVIN takes real-world assets and issues them on the blockchain, where you can trade and earn the DeFi way while your assets are safely stored in the Real World.

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Lise Wessel
Editor for

Co-founder & CMO of TVVIN. Connecting the dots…Translating cutting-edge blockchain tech and web3 solutions into stories that people can really understand.