Priceless Gift — Daughters

Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café
Published in
4 min readMay 29, 2013
Father and daughter walking near river while sun is setting down
Photo Credit: Pexels

Life is all about seeking happiness, but the only difference is the medium through which you are seeking happiness. Some people found themselves happy while working, and some while traveling. Even when people decide to travel or go on a trip for making their selves happy, they think about whether they go with family or with friends. Most people while traveling feel relaxed with friends, but so far it comes to me, I will definitely choose family. Not because I love being with family, but because I feel more comfortable with family than friends. Well, whenever you feel happy, it’s actually a gift from the Super Almighty.

Getting gifts on birthdays or after passing the examinations always make people happy. But what if you get a gift that is priceless for yours, the most precious gift for you? You will definitely love it. The priceless gift, I don’t think that anybody will regret this, because a priceless gift not only makes you happy but also you feel like a very special being on the planet. Here is a question that arises in my mind, what could be a priceless gift? A diamond, paradise on earth, or a palace? It could be anything; this all depends on people and different people's demands for different things. Still, the question arises, is there anything that is a universal priceless gift for anyone? I don’t know, maybe there could be anything that will be universal.

I did research on a personal basis, through internet searches, and by asking people face by face and on the internet. At the end of the research, I got many different concepts of people. I was quite surprised that many of the people concluded me on a single answer, it’s good but a little weird that the answer to which the majority replied cannot be said as a thing, because the answer was “ Daughter “. Now you people will also think that how it could be a thing. Yes, it’s not a thing but it is really a wonderful priceless gift by the Almighty. I also soon realized that the answer to research is correct because every single person in this world really loves their child. So for a person, his/her child is very precious and it’s really a priceless gift for them.

All this research and paperwork which I did for this article reminded me something very special happened in my life. It was mid of September back in 2011. I was in my office as usual and was busy working on my assigned task when my cell phone rang. I took my phone; it was my mother calling me. I attended the call; my mom said that my wife is in the hospital. Immediately I informed my boss and left for the hospital. On arrival, I came to know that my wife was in Operation Theater. I waited outside for almost a half hour. I was much tensed and my body was shivering due to panic inside me. It was around about four and a half in the evening when the door of Operation Theater opened and a nurse came out and demanded the baby's clothes and blanket. Till then I was not awarded what Almighty had given me. After a while, the nurse came out with the baby and said she is a baby girl. I took her in my hands, kissed her, and got her very near to me. Almighty blessed me with a baby girl, I was then a father of my baby girl and I was not able to control my emotions. I felt tears in my eyes, the tears of happiness. I thought in deep my heart that today I have really got a priceless gift from the Almighty.

I still remember that day, that was the most precious day of my life which I have kept in my memories. Almighty gave me a gift in the shape of my daughter and I am really happy. So this is what, I concluded from my research and my experience. Daughters are the most precious and priceless gift by the Almighty and the majority of the people agree with me.

Still, many people think that they love their sons more than their daughters, but to me, daughters are the blessing of the Almighty, even in any condition, sons can depart from your life but daughters will always be with you in any condition, and they will support you in any case. So I will obviously take daughters on the first rank than sons. Daughters are the priceless gift of the Almighty.



Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café

Hi, My name is Bilal and I am a writer. I mostly write about the true face of life which I have seen and maybe other people also resemble the stories.