The Decision of Being Right

Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café
Published in
5 min readApr 22, 2018
Way sign on the mountains
Photo Credit: Pexels

I met a person a few years ago. He was brilliant in his work with a positive attitude towards achieving his assigned tasks. As human nature, I automatically got attracted to his abilities. He seemed to be a great influencer and was very talkative. He motivated people on their ventures and quoted examples of different people who started their ventures and even quoted himself as an example in many ways.

I used to regard him till the day I noticed that he is only a talkative person and he really does not a person you can rely on. With a few flop ideas that floated in front and his practices were visible to me, then I understood that he is not willing to pursue his career in the business as a professional but he is only trying to make his fame while performing nothing.

His worst part which I hated a lot, he never accepted his mistakes and he always tried to put his opinion on others. He felt that he is the only right person and that without his suggestions and input, no progress can be achieved. While working practically, his inputs were zero and there were no efforts that came in front where he could prove his strengths.

Due to this, he had a number of failed ventures. But there was another problem that led him to a more disastrous situation, he always quoted that when any of the people in his partner try to betray him or really did, he spoiled all the progress made towards the venture. Actually, the fact was, he never did efforts to make it successful which eventually led to the failure and he had no other choice but to start the blame game so that he could justify himself as not a loser.

Keeping him in mind, the center point that I have realized is calling yourself a piece of perfection never works. There is always a difference between being right and trying to be right. If your opinion is right and you are readily giving input to it, then people around you will call you right. Whereas, if no one is calling you right but you think you are right then you try to enforce your righteous attitude on others.

In fact, your perfection is shown from your work and attitude towards your work, not from your dialogues and meaningless debates.


Who we are to decide whether we are right or wrong? It is our attitude which shows our righteous acts. Our act of work and attitude of speaking shows the percentage of being right or wrong. If we start talking ourselves right, even when we are wrong, it will start making a negative image in front of everyone.

So, the only best thing is to let people analyze whether we are wrong or right. And if everyone adopts this attitude, the measuring of being right will be more accurate.

But what if the person is right and people around are all against and calling him wrong? The attitude towards measuring of being right of any person is not only for one person being the subject. It is for everyone, the subject or the analyzer. When you will be analyzing someone for his righteous attitude, you must be aware that you will also be analyzed. While keeping this in mind, a transparent and true analysis will come forth.


Is there any space for learning left for you? Or you have learned a lot that you have nothing left to learn any further? This is very simple to understand that if you think you are right then obviously there is no room for learning anymore. But if you think you go wrong sometimes then you have to undergo a learning process a little further.

The thought of being right makes you proud which leads to no learning further. This causes a big stop in the progress of self-development. In addition to the discussion example, I would like to mention it for a better understanding of learning space and being right.

If I take an empty glass and pour water into its half. Let's say the glass can contain more water in it to be filled. Now I pour more water leaving only 10 percent of it empty.

Does it have more space for water yet? Yes! We can still pour more water into it.

Now suppose, there is a glass with only 10 percent of water in it, can we pour more water in it? Are you saying yes? Let’s assume that the capacity of the glass is full and we cannot pour more water into it. Now can you please tell me that can we pour more water into it? No! that’s the right answer.

When we already have assumed that the glass can contain only 10 percent of water then even seeing a 90 percent empty space, we will decide that there is no more space for water.

Just like the mentioned scenario, if a person thinks he knows everything and he is always right then the space for further learning is now closed and no one can teach him or guide him any further.

On the basis of the assumption, a person will stop the learning process and he cannot ever learn a single more thing to improve the quality of his life or work.


Sometimes in life, you become very confused to decide what to do, what to wear, where to go, what job offer to select, and so on. The decision has to be taken, but how? It is very tricky to take the right decision and be satisfied with the taken decision. A single wrong decision can ruin everything, your thoughts, plans, and even life.

Sticking to the previous discussions, we have to first analyze ourselves and what space we have left for our learning. In summary, I can say that a person’s learning remains continues from birth till his death. The space of learning never fills up. If you understand this point, then you will definitely realize yourself as a learner at every stage.

We always try to make the right decisions, but due to the lack of knowledge and experience, there is always room for mistakes as well. There is no big deal if you took a wrong decision. A bunch of wrong decisions will empower you to take the right decisions.



Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café

Hi, My name is Bilal and I am a writer. I mostly write about the true face of life which I have seen and maybe other people also resemble the stories.