Writing, The Inspiration

Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2013
Content Writing
Photo Credit: Pexels

Sometimes I ask myself why I always keep myself busy writing different things. It could be some kind of passion or it’s just my addiction to write. Well, it all started when I was very young and used to read a lot. I used to read books, blogs, columns, etc. During that period I realized that if I try then maybe I also am able to write something. Then I decided that I will also write, but the question was, about what I should write. There should be some kind of inspiration or some innovative ideas on which I could write. When I started thinking about the inspiration for which I must start writing, I just stuck over there. Reading is a very simple task to do, you just have to read what others have written but when it comes to you, you must always get confused, because thinking about something to write and making words to complete your note is a very tough task. The same problem I faced in the starting, but spontaneously I got an idea, what if write something I am facing or had faced in my life? Yes, this worked for me, the time when I wrote my first article, on that time I was seeking happiness in my life and I just wrote about happiness. Then I realized that it’s not a hard task because while writing you just have to express yourself and that’s what I did. I expressed all my emotions, my feelings, and my inspirations in my articles. Later I wrote many more articles in which I expressed my situation according to the period of time. This made me strong enough to write.

After a long time, I realized that I have stuck up with writing all about myself. I was feeling that I must change the topics now, but as I was facing problems at the start I got it now again. I thought if I never tried to change it then I will never achieve for which I am doing all this. With all this hope and passion, I started writing an article and finally, I came up with “ Drop of Rain “.

After writing this article, I realized that nothing is impossible if a person aims to try and achieve it. This was a kind of achievement for me and I was really happy. This was what I always wanted to write, and the thing for which I had to do it was a book. I wanted to write a book on a very different story, which should be totally fictional. Now, I am writing a book on the story of two people from different races. Soon I will publish my book and will launch it. Now I feel that writing has become an addiction for me and without writing I cannot survive, I feel relaxed after expressing my thoughts in my words, and I will always keep myself indulging in writing different inspirations, innovations, and my different thoughts.



Bilal Ahmed
The Writers Café

Hi, My name is Bilal and I am a writer. I mostly write about the true face of life which I have seen and maybe other people also resemble the stories.