Interview | Bradley Samore: Poetry Contributor

The Wire's Dream Mag
TWD Mag Interviews
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2019

As an extension of The Black Lion Journal’s mission, The Wire’s Dream is a semi-annual magazine that values community, life perspectives, and different worldviews. Contributors were asked to complete a set of mini interview questions with the purpose of sharing with the readers and their fellow submitters a bit about who they are and about their creativity. All questions were the same for each contributor; and each answer given is unique, open, friendly, and candid.

About Creativity

Let’s start by talking about creativity — what does creativity mean to you?

Creativity is the ability and/or desire to create something.

How and when did you get started doing what you love to do? Who or what is your creative muse?

I was inspired early on by Wordsworth and Wendell Berry who share my appreciation of the world around us. I started writing earnestly when I was living in Tineo, Asturias, Spain as an English teacher. I was “in love” with a woman back in the U.S. I wrote some bad love poems. From there, I began exploring other subjects.

What is your most memorable creative experience, if any?

I don’t think I have a single most memorable experience. I think the poems that I write have all been inspired by an event, thought, or a series of one or the both that have been fermenting for a while — I would guess these have been memorable for me to write a poem about them

People approach creativity in such different ways! What about you? What is your creative routine? Do you know of any quirky habits or creative superstitions?

Although many writers I admire have or encourage a writing routine, I do not have one. I typically write in a fairly obsessive manner once a subject or line comes to me. From there, I often start writing notes in a notebook. Once the notes start to take shape, I transfer over to a computer where I can make minor changes and quickly go back and forth between multiple options.

Time, Tips, & Future Goals

How do you make time to do what you love to do?

I either compromise my sleep or compromise exercise time. Otherwise, it is hard to fit in time to write (and read).

What tips can you give novice creatives about getting started on their creative journey and about submitting their work for publication?

Listen to others. Listen to yourself. Don’t believe everyone’s tips.

What do you hope to achieve with your creativity? Where would you like to see yourself in about 5 years, professionally and creatively?

I plan on writing poems that people can say, “this person explains how I feel, but I never knew how to say it in words.” From myself, I’d like to see good poems and to continue becoming a better English teacher.


About Bradley

Bradley Samore currently lives in North Carolina and is a high school English teacher. His writing has been featured in various publications including West Texas Literary Review, Foliate Oak Literary Magazine, and SLAB Literary Magazine.

You Can Find Bradley Here

Modern Day Superhero Creativity Podcast — #14: Creativity in Poetry w/ Bradley Samore

For You I Swim (In Memory of Richard Samore, 1952–2008)

See Bradley’s Poetry In TWD Magazine 3rd Collection

“Aging” — p. 137




TWD Mag Interviews
TWD Mag Interviews

Published in TWD Mag Interviews

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The Wire's Dream Mag
The Wire's Dream Mag

Written by The Wire's Dream Mag

Fiction, Poetry, Art, Creative Non-Fiction, Photography, & Mixed Graphics/Combinación // My dad isn't Simba, but he's close: @TBLJournal 🦁

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