Do You Read?

Tween and Teen Reading
2 min readMar 21, 2013


I’m an Assistant Professor of Library Science at Sam Houston State University, BUT in my heart I’m still a public school librarian. I enjoyed my time working at the elementary school and the middle school. As an elementary school librarian I was able to witness the light in the eyes of the little ones during storytime. At the middle school I enjoyed hosting book clubs and putting books in teens’ hands. The reason I was able to light up the little ones’ eyes and find the right books for the teens is because I read.

“Because I read.” You might think this is a stupid statement. A “Well, duh!” statement. Unfortunately, it isn’t. You would be surprised to find out how many school librarians don’t read and if they do, they don’t read children’s or young adult literature.

People sometimes as me how I read so much (and believe me - I read a lot less than some of my colleagues). Well, here is how I do it:

1) I don’t watch much TV.
2) I listen to audiobooks in the car instead of the radio.
3) I read every day.
4) I read young adult novels, graphic novels, picture books, tween books, etc…
5) I set goals. (Last year I read 200 books and this year I’ve challenged myself to read 300.)

My question is, how can you suggest books to students if you don’t read? If you don’t suggest books to students, how can you make connections with them? How do you create life long learners if you don’t encourage reading? How do you encourage reading if you don’t set an example?

To follow my reading, visit me on Goodreads.

I’d be glad to hear your thoughts on this so feel free to comment.



Tween and Teen Reading

Asst. Professor, Aspiring Author, Avid Reader, Married, Owner of dog.