Top Benefits of Adding More Fibre Into Your Diet

Evan Belogiannis
twenty thirty
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2017
Supercharge your body with some fibre

Many of us associate fibre with bland cereals and boring baked beans, as well as bodily functions and digestive health — but there is far more to fibre than meets the eye.

Eating foods that are high in fibre have tremendous health benefits that do far more than just keeping your colon firing on all cylinders. Boosting your diet with fibre-rich foods can lower your risk of heart disease, reduce your risk of stroke and diabetes, improve your skin and assist with weight loss.

So where do you find fibre?

Fibre is found in a wide range of plant-based foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. In a nut shell, fibre are foods the body can’t break down with the undigested foods working to hoover our your digestive system, cleansing the bowel, flushing cholesterol and removing nasties from the body.

There are two varieties of fibre — insoluble and soluble. Insoluble does not dissolve in water and is more of a chunky fibre that can be found in whole grains, cereals and veggies and soluble fibre is dissolved in water and can be foods such as barley, oatmeal, nuts, fruits, and beans.

Why you need to add more fibre to your diet

  • Boost heart health — Fibre works to improve cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Fibre also lowers blood pressure and helps to shed fat around the abdomen.
  • Improve digestive health — this is probably one of the most well known benefits of fibre. Dietary fibre works to improve and regular bowel movements and relieve constipation. Fibre also works to clean your colon and flush out any bacteria build up in your intestines.
  • Stabilise your sugar levels — eating fibre works to slow the rate of sugar that is absorbed in the blood stream and stabilises your blood glucose levels. Fibre also fills you up, discouraging over eating and hunger pains.
  • Fight colon cancer — results have shown that people with high fibre intake have a significant reduction in the risk of developing small bowl cancer. Eating whole grains can protect the colon and cancer in the small intestine.

There are plenty of ways to pack more fibre into your diet by enjoying a wide variety of fibre-rich foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Adding more fibre into your diet doesn’t need to be drab, protect your health and embrace the health benefits by adding some extra fibre to your life.

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Evan Belogiannis
twenty thirty

Co-founder & creator of Nū pods. Creating single serve meal replacements & supplements in biodegradable pods that focus on our health & environment.