The heaviest aya in the Quran is…

Azizi Khalid
TwentyEight Labs
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2016

We have already passed the first third of Ramadan. If you are reading 1 juz of Quran per day in this month, you would have read one of the heaviest aya of the Quran to have been revealed recently. In fact it so heavy that Rasulullah grew white hair from receiving it.

Abu Bakr r.a. saw Rasulullah s.a.w. with some new white hair and asked him, “You have white hair O Messenger of Allah?” To which he s.a.w. responded, “Yes, Hud and her sisters have caused me to have white hair.”

Yes, the aya that we are talking about is aya 112 in surah Hud, which is in Juz 12. The aya reads,

فَاسْتَقِمْ كَمَا أُمِرْتَ
“So, (O Muhammad), remain steadfast in following the Right Way”

The instruction in the aya to remain steadfast is so heavy to practice that is causes Rasulullah to grow some grey hair. In Arabic remaining steadfast or having perseverance is called Istiqamah. And this is the trait of a true believer. In fact when Rasulullah was asked about the good deed that is most beloved to Allah, he answered,

َّماَ دَلَّ وَاِنْ قَل
“What is consistent, even it is a little”

It is better for us to do a small good deed, but do it everyday. Rather than do something big, but only once a year.

The only way to memorise the Quran…

They key to memorising the Quran is Istiqamah. Do it everyday. No skipping. Revise your memorisation daily. Memorise some new aya everyday, even if it is just 2 lines. But do not give up. For Allah has commanded us to have Istiqamah if we want to be successful.

Customised Lesson in Hifz Nafi’ 1.1

Hifz Customised Lesson

We understand the memorising the Quran is a monumental effort. But giving up is not an option. Therefore Hifz allows you to customise your lesson plan. If you think the lesson today is too hard, just swipe down and tell us. We will lighten the load. But do not give up. We are people of Istiqamah.

We ask Allah that He makes us from among the people of Istiqamah, especially in the path of memorising the Quran.

Now let’s get back to memorising the Quran.

Download Hifz here.

