Grace Mugoiri
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2018


Artificial Intelligence: The Next Human Evolution.

What comes in your mind when your hear “Highly advanced robot”?
Intelligence by wikipedia “A very general mental capability that, among other things, involves the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience.”
It is further divided into different forms among them, emotional intelligence, logical intelligence which are mostly related to Humans. Here comes Artificial Intelligence which simply means computers being able to handle everything a human is capable of.

AI was founded in the 1950s and among the founders was John McCarthy who was computer scientist. They argued that a machine should be able to “learn” and “solve a problem” just like a human being. But this was never established due to a loss of funding called “AI Winter.” Years later as computer science expanded and computational power, AI was live again and its first prove of work was in the early 1980’s where an AI program simulated the knowledge and analytical skills of human experts.

Subconsciously, we use AIs in places we would argue it is not used.

  1. We have all at one time received a SPAM Email. This is the work of spam filtering which is a high technology power.
  2. Your laptop, phone or tablet should be able to convert a text to speech. This is also a feature from AI(such as verbose text to speech).
  3. Social media platforms especially facebook and instagram. It’s almost impossible for a computer to recognise faces without AI. Because AI runs in a computer.
  4. Online shopping. You check your item, you like it, put it in the cart. Close the deal if you want and ready for purchase. How??? AI
  5. Calculators. Gone are the days where we had to use a long method just to do a simple calculation (if you were not smart enough) Even software engineers have implemented this feature with the help of programming languages.

Artificial Intelligence was created for a purpose. Here is a short explanation of how AI will be helpful in the future. Human beings especially in this century barely make it 100 years. So, if an elderly gets to their 70’s and is still alive. Why not take their brains, transcend them into a super computers’ artificial neural network that could potentially preserve human consciousness.. This is a theory from one documentary which argues that this project will soon come to be meaningful. The brain will still be active and body will be frozen which is to prevent from decaying.

Essentially the brain should work hand in hand with the body. So we preserve both(brain and body) and find a way to bring back a dead body (if you believe in the creation theory of humans then this will not be an article to argue about) and combine them once more. This way we can share the artificial neural network with artificial and neural intelligence.

The big question is should we be afraid of AI??? We shouldn’t, this will be a breakthrough for all humanity. AI machines will help us in so many ways. Allow me to quote some movies like “TAU”, “EXTINCTION”, and also “TERMINATOR” which play a big example of how these machines will help us years to come. There was also a machine that determined a teenage girl was pregnant even before her parents found about that. Want to know more about this follow this link

AI uses a concept called Machine Learning and is just a learning process like any other. Some of the frameworks used in AI are:-
1. Microsoft CNTK — (Cognitive Toolkit)
2. Theano
3. Caffe
4. Tensor Flow
6. Torch
7. MLPack
8. Mahout

A neural network is a series of interconnected nodes that pass data using mathematical concepts such as calculus and algebra.
The next time you want to detect how many cats are in a given field on a photo with your machine. No worries. AI and Machine Learning is here…awaiting…
On my next blog i will write a simple project that can automate image detection. Be on the look out.

