Introduce Taiwan IGF 2018 Briefly

YingChu Chen
TWIGF 臺灣網路治理論壇
3 min readJul 12, 2018

Taiwan IGF (TWIGF 2018) will be on this Friday and Saturday. This year we also have our first Youth IGF (yIGF) in Taiwan from yesterday.

First yIGF Taiwan

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

In APrIGF Taipei 2016, they have yIGF for youth people in Asia Pacific. And we found to encourage more young generation to participate in IGF is very important. So this year we decide to have our first yIGF. We have 4 days for yIGF, and today is the second day. Because typhoon Maria made us to combine the first day and the second day together.

They will introduce those topic below today:

  • History of Internet Governance
  • Internet Ecosystem
  • Internet Governance Issues includes cybersecurity, digital rights, human rights, digital economy and emerging technology, data protection, and so on.
  • Role play, maybe ICANN meeting simulation, or to understand the internet ecosystem.
  • Introduce APrIGF and TWIGF

The other 2 days will let young attendee participate in TWIGF 2018
I can’t go to there today, but I believe it must have a lot of fun for those attendee.

TWIGF 2018 / Taiwan Internet Governance Forum 2018

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

We have 25 proposals this year for TWIGF and made 16 sessions in 2 days events, and we will talk about these issues below (GMT+8, Time Converter ):

Day 1 (July 13): Many government regulation and law enforcement issue tomorrow.

  • Opening (09:30–11:00)
  • Data transmission and data localization (11:15–12:45)
  • Cross-border law enforcement and e-evidence (This session is proposed by Intellectual Property Court, Taiwan government)
  • GDPR: Balancing Privacy with Stakeholder Needs for Data (13:45–15:15) (in English)
  • Internet shutdown for protecting intellectual property (How to protect intellectual property in internet?)
  • Competition law issue in Digital Economy (15:30–16:30)
  • Streaming and Internet Governance
  • Transparency Report in Taiwan by Taiwan Association for Human Rights (16:30–18:00)
  • 5G Communication and Information security

Day 2 (July 14): we have 2 blockchain sessions, women in ICT, multi-stakeholder mechanism in Taiwan policy making discussion today.

  • Cryptocurrencies or virtual currencies with governance issues (09:30–11:00)
  • Better internet usage environment in Taiwan to make our digital economy better (maybe in English)
  • Introduce Youth Mobility Index (YMI) by DotAsia and talk about how to collaborate with international organizations. (11:15–12:15) (in English)
  • Multi-stakeholder Mechanism in Taiwan Policy Making. How to make the MS model can be used in Taiwan? (with government officials, technical groups, private sectors)
  • Talking about Open Government Data and Personal Data Protection, Privacy Protection. (13:15–14:45)
  • Women in ICT: Career life of Women in Taiwan ICT Industries
  • Blockchain application in Taiwan, Future Development, blockchain governance and regulations. (15:00–16:30) (in English)
  • Internet Governance in Campus.
  • Closing plenary (16:30–17:00)

Most of sessions will be in Mandarin. I mark some sessions might be in English, we have no transcripts for the events, but we will have streaming for the 2 days events, and will public the link in our facebook group or twitter @TaiwanIGF.

If you are in Taiwan, you have time, please come to Chunghwa Telecom Training Institute, join with us, or participate remotely.



YingChu Chen
TWIGF 臺灣網路治理論壇
