Introducing TwiggTales — and $13,500 in prizes for writers!

Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024

Have you had a story idea you’ve always wanted to develop — and told yourself you’d like to publish it on an app like Twigg — but struggled to find the time or motivation to put in the hours to turn idea into reality?

Or are you already consistently drafting that story, but wouldn’t mind a little friendly competition and cash rewards along the way?

If so TwiggTales is built just for you.

With TwiggTales, we aim to incentivize and support writers with a space to develop your stories, make new friends, and get your stories off the ground.

Those that participate will be eligible to be among the first to publish on Twigg — the best stories will even be featured on the platform at launch.

In collaboration with the writing platform T2, participants will be in the running for $13,000 in cash prizes T2 is awarding, as well as an additional $500 exclusively for Twigg participants.

Twigg is in the process of creating a story-telling platform that improves on the earlier models of e-books, putting the power (and the profits) back in the hands of the creators rather than big 3rd party companies.

With the Twigg platform planned to launch in May of 2024, we’ve partnered with t2 to help use “Friends Who Write” Season Two as an incubator for our StoryCasters and the members of our Flagship Partners — and to find talented new writers who want to be among the first to publish on this game-changing platform.

T2 is a great place to test story ideas and see what works — “Time Points” show how people react to your stories, and comments can help you discover what people love about your writing, and what aspects still need a little polish. You can build your own IP solo, or collaborate with others to create a joint story or anthology if you choose — either way you and your team’s progress will be tracked and rewarded!

To get started, join our Discord using this link — and look for the #tt_onboarding channel — we’ll help you find your StorySquad (1–5 other writers) and coach you through getting your T2 “Friends Who Write” group set up — putting you in the running for $13,500 in prizes!

Sign-up deadline is March 13th.

Got a question? Drop a comment on this post and we’ll be happy to get it answered!

Happy writing!

