
Technical Guide: Twilight RPG Telegram Bot

Twilight RPG


Welcome to the Twilight RPG Telegram Bot, your gateway to an immersive pixel art collecting experience! This comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights on how to maximize your collection and navigate the various commands available in the bot. Prepare to embark on an enchanting journey through the captivating world of Twilight RPG, where artistry meets adventure. This guide will provide you with information on how to use the various commands available in the bot.



Begin your journey into the captivating world of Twilight RPG by initiating the bot. You’ll be introduced to the collection mechanics and given the necessary information to get started on your journey. Use this command to initiate the bot and begin your adventure!


Sync your WAX wallet to your Telegram account by using this command. This will enable seamless integration between your wallet and the collection, allowing you to claim and manage your rewards effortlessly, ensuring that your prized art pieces are securely stored and easily accessible.


With the /user command, you can access your collector profile and view important information about your character. Stay informed about your progress, achievements, and inventory, allowing you to track your collecting journey and showcase your impressive acquisitions.


Embark on thrilling adventures by sending your character(s) to explore the vast landscapes of Twilight RPG. During these adventures, your character will gather valuable resources. Commoners and Journeymen will take a total of 6 days to complete the adventure, these time will vary depending on their future upgrade.


Gather the reward(s) from completed adventures and add them to your account. Enjoy the satisfaction of claiming your hard-earned rewards!


Use the /claim command to transfer all the pack(s)/resource(s) to your linked WAX wallet. These packs contain exciting rewards, such as items and materials that can be used for crafting or trading. Sending the packs directly into your wallet ensures that you have full ownership of them.


If you need assistance or have questions about any of the commands or features in Twilight RPG, simply use the /help command. You’ll receive detailed information and guidance to help you navigate the collection smoothly.

Wallet Interactions Mechanism

Managing Asset Transfer: Inbound & Outbound Actions

When using the bot, there’s no need to manually send any NFTs. The bot will automatically detect your wallet and adjust accordingly based on your transactions. Here’s a breakdown of what happens in different scenarios:

1. Buying/Claiming a Commoner from the Twilight RPG Drop Page:

a. Use the /user command to interact with the bot.
b. The bot will recognize the new Commoner and notify you by saying “<x amount> character(s) have joined your party and are ready for adventure!”
c. Additionally, every Commoner claimed from the Twilight RPG drop page will receive a one-time bonus of 1 Free Survival Pack.
d. The bot will add acquired pack(s) to your in-bot account.
e. You can immediately use the newly gained character(s) for adventures by utilizing the /adventure command.

2. Blending a Journeyman or other characters in the future:

a. Use the /user command to notify the bot about the blending process.
b. The bot will automatically detect the new Journeyman or other character and inform you by saying “<x amount> character(s) have joined your party and are ready for adventure!
c. Moreover, each newly crafted character from the Twilight RPG page will receive a one-time bonus of 1 free pack specific to the character blended.
d. The bot will add acquired pack(s) to your in-bot account.
e. You can immediately use the newly gained character(s) for adventures by utilizing the /adventure command.

3. Buying/Obtaining character(s) from the market or other players:

a. Use the /user command to inform the bot about your acquisition.
b. The bot will automatically detect the character and notify you by saying “<x amount> character(s) have joined your party and are ready for adventure!
c. Please note that if you acquire characters from the second-hand market, you will probably not receive any free packs as those packs were likely claimed by the previous owner.
d. Nevertheless, you can immediately use the newly gained character(s) for adventures by utilizing the /adventure command.

4. Selling/Transferring character(s) to the market or other players:

a. Use the /user command to inform the bot about the transaction.
b. The bot will detect that the character is no longer in your wallet and notify you by saying “<x amount> character(s) have left your party. Their adventure has been canceled!
c. This indicates that the character(s) have departed from your party and are no longer present in your wallet.

Important Note: Instead of minting directly to your wallet, the bot will add the number of acquired packs or bonuses to your in-bot account. You can later use the /claim command to claim these accumulated rewards.

Things You Should Know

Adventure Reward Rate

Embarking on adventures comes with risks and rewards. While the normal success rate guarantees one pack per adventure, be aware that there is a very low chance for Double Reward or Failed Adventure. Proceed with caution and choose your adventures wisely.

The mechanism of double reward and failed adventure will be explained in future update as we are finalizing the formula to make it fair and balanced

Adventure Duration

Each character has a unique adventure time. Commoners and Journeyman require 6 days to complete their quests, while other characters’ adventure times will be revealed upon their release. Stay tuned for more information on specific character adventures.

Genesis Bonus

The Genesis holds significant power over your characters, boosting their morale and reducing their adventure time by 24 hours. Keep the Genesis close to your side when sending your characters on adventures to benefit from this valuable bonus.

Be the First to Try!

Since the bot is in its initial release phase, we kindly request your assistance in reporting any discrepancies or issues you may come across. We encourage you to share your feedback and report to our dedicated Telegram group for prompt assistance. Additionally, please note that to access all the command features, it is recommended to privately message the bot instead of using it within the group.

Extra Note About the Mechanism

Please be aware that the adventure mechanism in Twilight RPG is designed to provide a dynamic and immersive gameplay experience. While the adventure times and reward rates have been carefully balanced, there may be occasional adjustments and refinements to ensure a fair and enjoyable gameplay environment for all players.

Ongoing NeftyBlocks Drop

We have great news for all early collectors! The ongoing drops in NeftyBlocks still allow you to claim a pack every 6 days, provided you have the corresponding character in your wallet. Consider it a special perk for being part of our community from the beginning. Make sure to seize this opportunity and enjoy the extra rewards while it lasts. Please note that once our Discord bot is launched, the NeftyBlocks drop will be discontinued. Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming Discord bot release!

Final Thoughts

This is a basic guide to help you get started with the Twilight RPG Telegram Bot. As the collection evolves, new commands and features may be introduced, expanding the possibilities for your collecting journey. By following these steps and utilizing the appropriate commands, you can seamlessly interact with the bot and manage your characters in the Twilight RPG.

Stay tuned for updates and announcements that will unlock even more creative opportunities within the Twilight RPG universe. Enjoy your journey in this exciting world and don’t hesitate to reach out to us in our community (Discord and Telegram) if you encounter any issues or have further questions. Happy exploring!

Twilight RPG

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