
Twixie Inventory System

Unpacking Packs, Claiming Resources, and Checking Your Item Inventory

Twilight RPG


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We are releasing new features in Twilight RPG:
1. /unpack and /claim
You can now unpack packs acquired during adventures, claim the resources to your linked WAX-wallet
2. /item commands to check your item inventory in Twixie.

Twixie, your faithful companion, is here to guide you through the process. Read on to learn more about these new commands and how to make the most of these features in your Twilight RPG journey.

Unpacking Packs with Twixie

Twixie now allows you to unpack Survival Packs and Journey Packs to reveal their valuable contents. Here’s how it works:

Survival Pack

  • /unpacksp: Unpack 1 Survival Pack and send the resources to your /item.
  • /unpacksp <amount>: Unpack a specific number of Survival Packs and send the resources to your /item.
  • /unpackspall: Unpack all available Survival Packs and send the resources to your /item.

Survival Pack Chance:
The Survival Pack offers a chance to obtain various resources, including Animal Bone, Apple, Grass, Hide Scraps, Rough Log, Rough Stone, Water, and TREXP.

Journey Pack

  • /unpackjp: Unpack 1 Journey Pack and send the resources to your /item.
  • /unpackjp <amount>: Unpack a specific number of Journey Packs and send the resources to your /item.
  • /unpackjpall: Unpack all available Journey Packs and send the resources to your /item.

Journey Pack Chance:
The Journey Pack presents an opportunity to acquire resources such as Animal Bone, Apple, Grass, Hide Scraps, Rough Log, Rough Stone, Tree Bark, Water, and TREXP.

Claiming Resources with Twixie

Twixie also allows you to claim specific resources or transfer packs to your linked WAX wallet. Here are the available commands:


  • /claimsp, /claimsp <amount>, /claimspall: Transfer Survival Packs to your linked WAX wallet.
  • /claimjp, /claimjp <amount>, /claimjpall: Transfer Journey Packs to your linked WAX wallet.


Apple, Grass, Hide Scraps, Rough Log, Rough Stone, Tree Bark, Water:

  • /claimapple, /claimapple <amount>, /claimappleall: Transfer apples from your inventory to your linked WAX wallet.
  • /claimgrass, /claimgrass <amount>, /claimgrassall: Claim grass resources.
  • /claimhidescraps, /claimhidescraps <amount>, /claimhidescrapsall: Claim hide scraps resources.
  • /claimroughlog, /claimroughlog <amount>, /claimroughlogall: Claim rough log resources.
  • /claimroughstone, /claimroughstone <amount>, /claimroughstoneall: Claim rough stone resources.
  • /claimtreebark, /claimtreebark <amount>, /claimtreebarkall: Claim tree bark resources.
  • /claimwater, /claimwater <amount>, /claimwaterall: Claim water resources.



  • /claimtrexp, /claimtrexp <amount>, /claimtrexpall: Transfer Tree Experience resources to your linked WAX wallet.


Animal Bone:

  • /claimanimalbone, /claimanimalbone <amount>, /claimanimalboneall: Claim animal bone resources.

Usage Example

Here’s an example of how to use the /claim command:
/claimapple: Transfer 1 apple from your inventory to your linked WAX wallet.
/claimapple <amount>: Transfer the specified amount of apples to your linked WAX wallet, e.g., /claimapple 10.
/claimappleall: Transfer all available apples from your inventory to your linked WAX wallet.

Please be aware that in Discord, the / command prefix will be changed to !

Checking Your Item Inventory

You can now use the /item command to check your item inventory. This command will provide you with a comprehensive overview of your resources, materials, and available packs.

Usage: /item — Retrieve information about your current item inventory.


With the introduction of the /unpack and /claim commands, Twixie becomes an indispensable companion for unpacking packs and claiming valuable resources in Twilight RPG. Explore the contents of Survival Packs and Journey Packs, transfer resources to your linked WAX wallet, and make the most of your adventure. Remember to consider the potential valuable applications of resources before withdrawing them all at once. Happy unpacking and claiming!

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