Startup Highlight — Dojour

Caroline Karanja
Twin Cities Startup Week
1 min readOct 8, 2019
  1. What’s the meaning behind your company’s name/brand?

Dojour is a play on the French phrase ‘du jour’ meaning ‘of the day’. Instead of ‘what’s the soup of the day?’ it’s ‘what should we do today?’

2. What’s great about starting something in the Minnesota region?

Minnesota has a TON of tech talent, right up there with the best on the coasts but way more affordable due to our lower costs of living.

3. What’s challenging about starting something in the Minnesota region?

One thing Minnesota needs to greatly improve on is our ‘early adopter mentality’. You see YCombinator companies on demo day touting the likes of Uber, DoorDash, etc as customers, where it’s challenging to get our local corps to take early meetings until it reaches a certain standard.

4. What fuels you and your company?

We’re huge proponents of ‘in real life’ experiences. It’s crucial to a happy, healthy lifestyle and vibrant, inclusive cities. We want to make it easier for people to find these great experiences.

5. What stage are you at with your business?

We’re early revenue, but not quite cash-flow positive.

6. How can the community support your work?

Sign up for Dojour! And tweet at any businesses they want on Dojour to sign up!

7. Anything else you’d like to add?

All of our features and functionality are built on a needs basis. If you have a great idea for making it better, don’t hesitate to reach out. We read and respond to everything!

