The Deep Lesson of the Twin Flame Journey: Taking a Closer Look At Ourselves

Bensu Cangüler
Twin Flame Awakening
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4 min readDec 11, 2023


Photo Credit: Pinterest Zann

How often have you wondered why you are on a twin flame journey? I must have asked this question 100 times, and I collapsed in despair each time as I tried to answer it with my mind. Because we cannot perceive the twin flame journey with our minds, it is a “journey we feel” in which we make all decisions with our hearts. The Twin Flame journey is similar to a large library. It makes you wonder why you are the way you are in your current life in that pool of information that connects the memories of all your lives.

The twin flame leads us on a journey through all of our memories, particularly this one, based on cause-and-effect principles. It always brings us back to our original fear. Our deepest fears are the core wounds that we avoid confronting. However, there may be several of these wounds, and we must carefully care for these emotional wounds because every detail matters in this healing process.

Twin Flame is more than just a romantic journey; it is a journey in which we rediscover ourselves in every way. As we progress with our twin flame’s energy, we realize that the sensation of “home” is our own unique body. Our very existence, which we have burdened, disliked, and devalued for years, is our only haven. Because our bodies are more than just physical structures. Our bodies contain numerous energy fields. These energy fields are also shared by our twin flame. Every time we rediscover ourselves with various emotions within this energy, we get closer to ourselves.

Discovering ourselves on the twin flame journey and balancing our “obsessive” love for our twin flame and the desire flowing through us is also great physical training. Spiritual peace occurs when we balance the material pleasures that our body strives to achieve. That’s why the twin flame journey is about loving someone with everything and most importantly, even when they are far away from us. This reminds us that everything that comes from outside is not our basic need, but our “companion”.

The feeling of “coming home” here can create great pressure. Because you’re curious about your options for returning home. Returning home means rediscovering your highest divine essence. Even though your entire being desires this, we have fed our “ego” self for years, whose sole purpose is to keep us alive. To return home, we must first do extensive work with our ego self. To achieve our more satisfied, peaceful, and loving version, we must gradually purge our ego self’s limited desires and thoughts.

An important detail in romantic relationships is being “we”. For this reason, people with romantic soulmates may get caught up in their roles in the relationship and the existence of the relationship rather than discovering themselves. The twin flame connection is the exact opposite of this situation. A twin flame is a connection, not a relationship, and Twin flames have to discover themselves alone within a connection. When those who understand all the patterns they carry in life become one with themselves, the twin flame connection turns into a relationship. The basic essence of the twin flame connection is this: “Actually, we were always whole on our own, but our relationships always got blocked somewhere because we tried to complete ourselves with someone.”

We must devote the same amount of time to understanding ourselves as we do to understanding our partner. Because we all share the universal value of humanity. We become disconnected from everything our partner does when we don’t understand ourselves. When we avoid our own emotions, we put our relationships at risk. Because a person who does not try to understand himself has a strong desire to be correct. And the most important detail that wears out relationships is trying to be right all of the time. But The twin flame journey is a journey of surrender to a deep, unconditional love. You can’t find your twin flame, you know you are on a twin flame journey. And if you don’t know your twin flame as you enter the twin flame journey, it will be someone you will know in 3d or 5d beforehand.

This article was published in Twin Flames — the Journey To the Higher Self ebook. You can click here to get the book.

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