What Happens When the Twin Flame Chaser Stops Chasing?

When chasers stop this behavior, they first feel a huge emptiness inside, but then…

Bensu Cangüler
Twin Flame Awakening
5 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo by Yuliia Tretynychenko at Pexels

In the twin flame journey, chasing and running are natural processes. The chasing energy (this is often the divine feminine) can’t stop wondering about their twin flame. And this cycle continues for months until the pursuer turns inward and looks at their feelings. Running energy often thinks it might be possible to try to forget.

If the divine feminine stops chasing for a moment and realizes that everything flows according to divine time, whether they chase or not, this will make the self-improvement process smoother. But feminine energy twin flames are heartbroken. Moreover, the intense sadness of abandonment makes them intense stalkers. They keep chasing until the heartache inside them finally tires them out.

In the twin flame journey, when I first entered the dark night of my soul, I thought the twin flame running and chasing phase was the twin flames communicating with each other. Later I realized that this was a mental “self-discipline” period rather than a physical communication effort.

In the twin flame journey, “chaser energy” is the search process until you realize that the main mission is to focus on your development. Twin…



Bensu Cangüler
Twin Flame Awakening

Journalism degree writer, Part-time explorer Lifetime learner. Korean and Japanese Culture enthusiast. + more https://linktr.ee/Bensucang