Trust and Faith — On The Twin Flame Journey

Susie Puga
Twin Flames — Divine Love
2 min readOct 2, 2023


Trust and Faith walk hand in hand on the Twin Flame journey. In “Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover” by Jeff and Shaleia Divine, it is discussed that trust is built on a foundation of honesty. Of course, you must be honest with your Twin Flame as this is the foundation of any healthy relationship. But remember, your Twin Flame is one with you. So, you must first be willing to be honest and believe in yourself.

Being honest with yourself means you have to get real about your feelings and your choices. You have to honestly look at where you are hurt and where you have chosen to hurt yourself. It means that when your Twin Flame mirrors something to you, you need to be honest about what they are mirroring to you. Honestly look within even when you don’t believe you will like what you see.

While the process of being honest with yourself may be difficult and even painful in moments when you begin, this is the only foundation on which you can build trust with yourself. As you love yourself in all the places you uncover that have felt hurt before, you are building trust with yourself. This is the foundation for a healthy dynamic with your Twin Flame. More than that, you are building trust that love is real. Every time you are honest with yourself, deeply honest, and then love yourself, you reveal the truth that love is real. And you have to trust that love is real in order to have your Harmonious Twin Flame Union.


Faith is the strength it takes to walk into the unknown. As you build your relationship of trust with God and yourself, there will still be moments when he asks you to have the faith to move where you have not been before. Have faith in the process, faith that choosing love is enough to get you where you’re going, even when you can’t see the way, even when you cannot know the way for sure. Faith is to put love before fear. This is the very essence of persistence on the Twin Flame Journey. You are called to put your power in love. You are always asked to put your power in love before all. In order to successfully walk this path, you must put fear before love and you must commit to faith.

