Twin Flames Are Not An Excuse For Toxic Relationships

Susie Puga
Twin Flames — Divine Love
3 min readOct 31, 2023


In social media, blog comment sections, and various corners of the internet, I often come across people who are grappling with the toxicity within their Twin Flame relationship. This toxicity can manifest in different ways, such as when one’s Twin Flame is fixated on a third party, has left them, or has been accused of being narcissistic. In some cases, both partners are even engaged in other relationships producing all kinds of unwanted situations.

It need not be this way though.

If you find yourself on a toxic Twin Flame journey, it’s essential to recognize that this toxicity reflects your beliefs and consciousness about Love.

If you hold the belief that Love must be arduous, painful, or hurtful, or if you think Love denies you, is toxic or abusive in some way, your Twin Flame may unfortunately mirror these beliefs to you. They mirror your here because they are one with you. Your belief about Love are intimately and entirely impactful and connected to theirs.

It’s important to clarify that no one is accusing you of being a bad person for experiencing a toxic Twin Flame relationship. The misalignments with Love and the misconceptions about Love within your consciousness do not define your core self. If you’re experiencing these patterns, approach them with non-judgment and…

