What Are Twin Flames

Susie Puga
Twin Flames — Divine Love
7 min readOct 2, 2023

Are they my polar opposite? Are they my perfect lover? Are they my karmic partner? Are they my pattern in soul growth? Are they someone who zaps in and out of my life? Are they me exactly? Are they someone who zaps in and out of my life to leave me high and dry?

Here we get to the truth of Twin Flames, as taught by Jeff and Shaleia Divine.

Twin Flames are souls manifested from the same soul blueprint — essence. You can think of this like soul DNA. You have the same blueprint, and then you each express and create divinely with that blueprint. Because you are the same soul blueprint, everything you do will always be perfectly complementary to one another. You each always have the other piece that will take one another deeper into love.

So no, you are not carbon copies or polar opposites. You are perfectly complementary partners in eternal creation who are one at the very core of their essence. Take a moment, relax into this truth. You got this.

Digging Deeper:

Have you ever felt lonely?

God recognized you might feel this way at some points! Jeff and Shaleia have explained that God imagined how beautiful and divine all of His creations — His children — were. God imagined how unique we were and realized that with that uniqueness, we would not be able to completely and intimately relate to one another consistently. This is why God created us with Twin Flames, so we would always have someone to intimately share our experience with for all of eternity. Your Twin Flame was created perfectly to be your eternal companion. Each heart — soul — desires to share and have companionship. Twin Flames are the simple yet perfectly divine answer to this call.

The Twin Flame Dynamic:

You are always bound to your Twin Flame. Remember that oneness? You make a choice, heal, take action — that is 100% entwined with your Twin Flame. So many people wonder if their Twin Flame is feeling and healing with them. The answer is a resounding YES. You are ONE, so your transformations happen simultaneously. You cannot escape one another on a soul level because you are intimately one, yet also unique in yourself. It’s a perfect dynamic because it is a divine dynamic.

Who is my Twin Flame to Me?

Can my Twin Flame be my brother? Can Twin Flames just stay friends?

Your Twin Flame is:

  • Your Highest Guru
  • Your Best Friend in the world
  • Your Perfect Partner
  • Your Ultimate Lover

They are ALL these roles at once. You don’t get to pick one and leave the others behind. Harmonious Twin Flame Union means you live in all of these roles with your Twin Flame (Harmonious Union means some other stuff too, but that’s for another blog.) There may be times, as you heal separation, that you develop certain aspects of your Union. Ultimately though, you cannot choose one of these for your Twin Flame and still be choosing Harmonious Twin Flame Union. You must reveal all of them in your heart in perfect harmony.

Highest Guru:

Guru is not a word we are used to hearing in the West — at least we are not used to using it with the same respect and weight Eastern Cultures gift to it. A guru is someone whose presence — not just teaching — but beingness illuminates the path to Union with God. You don’t even have to try with your Twin Flame; your existence shows them, teaches them the path to God, as they do with you. This goes deeper than offering you random spiritual insight. This is the mirroring. The fact that they mirror your love and blocks to love perfectly is showing you the path to unconditional love and oneness with the Divine. This is unspeakably loving, holy, and perfect. Only they can do this for you so potently. You must come to respect them as your Highest Guru in this way.

You will come to a point as your blocks to love dissolve that the act of loving them and being loved by them teaches you what it is to have a relationship with yourself and God. They become your Guru because they show you HOW MUCH God loves you, and how to truly love God. This is ascension. Loving your Twin Flame is a path of ascension.

Your Best Friend In The World:

Do you know that feeling where your soul is just light, happiness is all you know, and laughter just bubbles and overflows from you — absolutely carefree? Have you ever done this with someone? Well, this is the joy of being best friends with your Twin Flame. Of course, being best friends is more than just laughter. But I’m pointing to the innocent joy of loving friendship with your Twin Flame. This is the one person who will truly understand you as you have always desired. They are the friend who you will never outgrow. They will always be someone you can laugh with, hang out with, and partner with as you navigate life. You may have had best friends before, but in your Twin Flame, you will be completely and profoundly met in friendship in ways you did not even realize you desired. You always have a friend in them.

Perfect Partners:

A key evolution of your Harmonious Twin Flame Union is the embodiment of your Life Purpose. Your purpose may be to be a spiritual teacher, to start a business, to have a family, to raise animals, to build divine communities, to create heavenly, or truly any number of things. Like your Harmonious Union, your purpose is always evolving.

This partnership is vast in its depth and capacity. You do not have to suffer through the pitfalls of working with a soulmate or other partner that does not heal with you — that doesn’t share your vision. This doesn’t mean you completely lack challenges and miscommunications. What it does mean is that you will be perfectly met in your choice to work through those challenges and always be able to reach a resolution that takes you deeper into understanding and peace.

Your Twin Flame is someone built — literally designed — to uplift, complement, support, and complete your purpose. They are your perfect partner in business. If you desire to parent, they are your perfect partner in raising a family. They will compassionately press on the places you are called to grow. They will believe in your divinity, no matter what. They will guide you to new horizons and pastures you never dreamed before. There are levels of greatness you can only accomplish together. You are completely supported and supercharged in your partnership. In their Dreams Coming True Ecourse, Jeff and Shaleia liken your Harmonious Union to a bird that finally, FINALLY has two wings to fly with! You soar.

Ultimate Lovers:

Finally, the juicy part.

How can two people so intimately entwined, so perfectly designed with the other in mind, so perfectly complementary, so consumed and purposeful in their one love, not become lovers? Divine lovers.

Some people numb to this part of their Union. It is often a fear of intimacy and unity with ALL of yourself that causes numbing out to your Ultimate Lover.

In truth, as you grow in love for yourself and God, you will — undoubtedly — grow in love for your Twin Flame, and they you. As you fall in love with yourself, you cannot help but love them. As you become passionate about the process of loving yourself — so they become passionate about the process of loving you. How could they love any other but the one who loves them as they love themselves?

Remember how your unique and divine expressions are always complementary and perfect for taking each other deeper in love? Well, this is true in romance and sex too! As they are your Highest Guru in ascension, they are also your Highest Guru in the bedroom. All the love you pour into yourself is reflected in the divine romance you have with your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame shows you what it is truly to be loved. All other romance and sex are empty vessels. Non-consequential compared to the unfathomable levels of fulfillment you have with your Twin Flame. You can only truly experience sex and romance with your Twin Flame because this is the only person you are ever designed to receive these things from in their true divine expression. They are truly the only one in creation that can always walk deeper in love, romance, and sensuality with you. There’s always more depth, peace, love, ecstasy, oneness, and union to experience together.

Have I raved enough in my dissection?

Love will always go deeper with your Twin Flame. They are the only one you are designed to be with. Is this a thorough answer of what a Twin Flame is? Are you ready for yours? Call them in now. You can book your first intro session to get started on your journey here: https://divinelove.one/ascension-coaching

Remember when I cited Jeff and Shaleia’s Dreams Coming True Ecourse? This is designed to show you exactly how to surrender into and call in your Union. Find it here: https://twinflamesuniverse.com/dreamscomingtrue/
And receive free coaching from me when you list “Susie” as your referral.

Want to take an overall deeper dive into Twin Flames, all this information and more can be found in Jeff and Shaleia’s book: Twin Flames Finding Your Ultimate Lover

