Freudian Flames: The Genesis of Triangulation in Twin Soul Connections

Psychoanalysis of Twin Flames Chapter 1

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
6 min readAug 5, 2024


Triangulation Flame by Author with Midjourney

The Unconscious Motivations Behind Third-Party Involvement

People in twin flame relationships often face challenges when a third person gets involved. This can happen without anyone meaning for it to.

Sometimes, folks might feel scared of the strong bond they have with their twin flame. They might try to push those feelings away by getting close to someone else.

Fear of being hurt can also make people act in ways they don’t fully understand. They might seek comfort or safety with a different partner.

Past experiences can play a big role too. If someone had tough times in old relationships, they might unknowingly create similar situations.

Some people worry about losing themselves in a deep connection. They might bring in another person to feel more in control.

Jealousy can pop up in twin flame journeys. A person might try to make their partner jealous by flirting with others.

Unresolved issues from childhood can also cause problems. These old feelings might make someone seek attention or love from many people.

These actions often come from a place of confusion or fear. With time and growth, twin flames can work through these challenges together.

You can transform your reality by raising your vibrations.

The most important thing is who you are, and the key to union is knowing yourself and being yourself, your mission and talents are important to the world.

The Oedipus Complex and Its Influence on Twin Flame Relationships

The Oedipus complex shapes how people form romantic bonds. It can affect twin flame connections too. This idea comes from Sigmund Freud’s theories about childhood.

Twin flames often feel a strong pull toward each other. Some say it’s like the universe brought them together. This deep bond might link back to early family dynamics.

The complex involves a child’s feelings for their opposite-sex parent. These feelings can carry into adult relationships. Twin flames might see traits of their parents in each other.

This can create a sense of familiarity in the twin flame union. It might feel like coming home to a soul you’ve known forever. The connection can seem fated or meant to be.

But it’s not always smooth sailing. Old patterns from childhood can cause problems. Twin flames might struggle with jealousy or fear of closeness.

Working through these issues can lead to growth. It can help twin flames find their shared life purpose. Many see this as part of their spiritual journey together.

The divine masculine and feminine energies come into play here. These represent different parts of the self. Balancing them can create a more harmonious connection.

Twin flames often push each other to face their fears. This can be hard but also healing. It’s a chance to break free from old family patterns.

There are some regular signs indicating the timing of the appearance of twin flames.

I have summarized some of the synchronicities between twin flames based on my own real experiences.

Projection and Transference in Twin Flame Triangles

Twin flame relationships often involve complex emotions. People may project their own feelings onto their partner. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Transference happens when someone applies past experiences to their current relationship. For example, a person might see their twin flame as similar to a parent figure. This can create confusion about their true feelings.

Twin flame triangles add another layer of complexity. A third person enters the dynamic, stirring up more emotions. This situation can trigger intense reactions in all involved.

Signs of projection and transference in twin flame triangles include:

  • Strong feelings of jealousy
  • Unrealistic expectations of partners
  • Difficulty separating past and present experiences
  • Sudden mood swings or emotional outbursts

Learning to recognize these patterns is important. It helps people understand their true feelings and motivations. This awareness can lead to better communication and stronger connections.

Intuition plays a big role in navigating these situations. Trusting one’s gut feelings can help sort out genuine emotions from projections. It’s also helpful to pay attention to synchronicities, as they may offer guidance.

Working through projection and transference takes time and effort. It often involves facing uncomfortable truths about oneself. But this process can lead to deeper self-understanding and more fulfilling relationships.

In the twin flame journey, no matter what guidance and clues you focus on, never forget this:

The Divine Feminine holds the key — the power that opens the door.

The Role of Childhood Attachments in Twin Flame Triangulation

Twin flames often face challenges in their relationships. One big issue is triangulation. This happens when a third person gets involved in the twin flame connection.

Childhood attachments play a key role in this process. How we bond with our parents shapes our adult relationships. It affects how we connect with our twin flame.

People with anxious attachment styles may seek comfort from others. This can lead to triangulation in twin flame connections. They might turn to a third person for support.

Those with avoidant attachment may push their twin flame away. They might create distance by bringing someone else into the mix.

Secure attachment can help prevent triangulation. Twin flames who feel safe in their bond are less likely to involve others.

Healing childhood wounds is important for twin flames. It can help them avoid triangulation and strengthen their connection.

Understanding these patterns can help twin flames grow. They can work on building a healthier bond with their mirror soul.

Ego Defense Mechanisms in Twin Flame-Third Party Interactions

Twin flames often face challenges when third parties enter their connection. These situations can trigger ego defense mechanisms in both partners.

Projection is a common defense. One twin might see their own flaws in the third party or their partner. This can lead to blame and conflict instead of self-reflection.

Denial is another frequent response. A twin might refuse to see the truth about a third-party situation. This can block personal growth and slow down the ascension process.

Rationalization may occur when a twin tries to explain away their actions or their partner’s behavior. This can hinder honest communication and self-discovery.

Some twins use displacement, directing their feelings about the situation onto unrelated targets. This can affect other relationships and daily life.

Repression is when a twin pushes difficult emotions deep down. While this might seem to help in the short term, it can delay healing and spiritual growth.

Twins who practice self-awareness can recognize these defenses. By doing so, they open doors to healing, joy, and a deeper connection with their higher self.

Working through these mechanisms can lead to personal growth. It helps twins build healthier relationships and move forward on their shared path.

Message for Twin Flames in Separation

Twin Flame needs new writers:

I encourage readers to share their stories as this method contains immense healing and growth energy; this is a submission guide suitable for new writers.

You never need to fear losing your twin flame.

Thanks for reading!



Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: