Heart vs. Mind: Signs of Your Twin Flame Denying Their Feelings For You

Being open to heart is the key to your union

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
6 min readJul 20, 2024


Flame Heart Generated with Midjourney

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Inconsistent Behavior: Hot and Cold Attitudes

When someone shows inconsistent behavior, it can feel like a roller coaster. They might seem very interested one day and then distant the next.

This can be confusing and makes it hard to understand their true feelings.

Hot and cold attitudes often come from intense emotions. One moment, they may feel a strong connection and want to be close. The next, they may pull away because these emotions are overwhelming.

Hot BehaviorCold BehaviorWarm and affectionateDistant and aloofOpen and communicativeSilent or unresponsiveMakes plans eagerlyCancels or avoids plans

The impact of this behavior can cause stress and uncertainty. It’s tough to know where you stand. They might not be aware of how much these actions can affect you.

Possible reasons for hot and cold attitudes include:

  • Fear of vulnerability
  • Confusion about their feelings
  • Emotional denial

Being aware of these signs can help identify what might be causing this inconsistency. This understanding is key in dealing with the intense connection between twin flames. It can help navigate through the emotional ups and downs.

Excessive Rationalization of Their Actions

Cold Brain Generated with Midjourney

When someone excessively rationalizes their twin flame’s actions, it often acts as a coping mechanism. They might say, “They’re just busy with work,” even when the actions don’t feel right.

Growth and self-discovery come from seeing things clearly, not through a fog of excuses. Rationalizing can block these processes.

An energy cord exists between twin flames. This connection should promote understanding, not justify hurtful actions. Over-rationalizing can stall transformation and spiritual awakening.

Patience is important, but it shouldn’t be endless. Excessive rationalization can delay necessary changes in the relationship dynamics.

Forgiveness is key in twin flame relationships. However, it shouldn’t mean accepting negative behavior without acknowledging its impact.

Recognizing these behaviors is crucial for both partners to move forward in their twin flame stages. Identifying and addressing them can lead to healthier energies and mutual growth.

Avoidance of Deep Emotional Conversations

When a twin flame avoids deep emotional conversations, it can be a sign of emotional denial.

They might change the topic when feelings come up. This can hurt open communication and make it harder to connect on a deeper level.

Avoiding deep talks might also show a lack of self-awareness. By not facing their own feelings, they might not fully understand what they are going through.

Empathy and compassion are crucial in these conversations. If your twin flame is dodging these talks, it might mean they are struggling to connect emotionally.

A twin flame may avoid these deep talks due to fear. They might fear being judged or misunderstood, leading them to stay silent.

Signs of Avoidance:

  • Ignoring emotional topics
  • Changing the subject
  • Giving short, vague answers
  • Avoiding eye contact

If you notice these signs, it can be a clue that your twin flame is uncomfortable with these conversations.

Encouraging open communication takes time and effort from both sides. Patience and gentle encouragement can help overcome this barrier.

Sometimes, they might not even realize they are avoiding deep conversations. Gently pointing it out can raise their consciousness about this issue.

Creating a safe space where both feel heard and understood can foster more meaningful discussions.

Overcompensation Through Physical Affection

Sometimes, one may show a lot of physical affection as a way to hide their true feelings. They might hug, kiss, or touch more often to cover up emotional distance.

This behavior might confuse the partner. They may feel the physical closeness but sense an emotional gap. Physical attraction can be strong, but emotional connection might still be lacking.

List of Signs:

  • Excessive hugging
  • Frequent kisses
  • Constant holding hands

These actions can be signs of love, but in the context of emotional denial, they might be overcompensation.

He or she might yearn for a connection but feel unable to express their real emotions. Physical touch becomes a substitute for genuine emotional sharing.

Bold displays of affection can mask deeper issues. Recognizing this can help both partners address their feelings and needs more honestly.

Deflection: Changing The Subject When Feelings Are Mentioned

When someone deflects, they often change the topic. This can happen when feelings are mentioned.

A twin flame might steer the conversation away from emotions. This might be a sign they’re in denial.

Examples of Deflection:

  • Talking about the weather when asked about feelings.
  • Shifting focus to work or hobbies.
  • Mentioning unrelated topics.

This deflection can make you feel unseen.

Possible Reasons for Deflection:

  • Sense of Recognition: They might be afraid of acknowledging their feelings.
  • Obsession: Avoiding emotions can be a way to keep control.
  • Intuition: Their inner sense might tell them to stay guarded.
  • Synchronicity: They might shift topics, thinking it’s not the right time.

Deflection can create distance. It’s like putting up a wall between two hearts. Understanding this can help you approach the situation with empathy.

In twin flame relationships, emotions run deep. Recognizing deflection helps in addressing these hidden feelings gently.

Increased Irritability Or Defensiveness Around You

They might become easily irritated at small things. This can be a sign of emotional denial in your twin flame. It’s like they are hiding their true feelings.

Defensiveness is another clue. When you ask simple questions, they may snap or give sharp replies. This might be because they feel insecure or full of doubt.

Observing arguments or disagreements happening more often is common. This could mean they are struggling with their emotions.

Their behavior may change suddenly, making them hard to predict. For instance, they could be calm one moment and angry the next.

If they struggle with their own insecurities, they may take it out on you. They might worry that you don’t accept them fully.

When they are defensive, it often hides deeper feelings. They may have a hard time expressing their true emotions.

You might notice an increase in tension during conversations. Simple differences in opinions can lead to bigger conflicts.

Feeling attacked during discussions can be a sign your twin flame is dealing with emotional turmoil. They might act this way to protect their feelings.

Sometimes, they may withdraw instead of arguing. This can be another way they show defensiveness and refuse to face emotional issues.

Denial Of The Twin Flame Connection’s Significance

Many individuals experience denial about their twin flame connection. They might think it’s just a regular relationship, dismissing the deep spiritual connection with their mirror soul. This happens due to fear, confusion, or emotional self-protection.

A twin flame runner often denies the bond. They may flee, distancing themselves emotionally or physically. This stage is called twin flame separation, which is painful for both parties. The twin flame chase begins, where one pursues while the other retreats.

Faith plays a critical role. Believing in the connection helps both parties to stay hopeful and patient. Denial might stem from societal beliefs or personal insecurities challenging the significance of their bond, leading them to question the relationship’s unique aspects.

Sometimes, twin flames communicate through twin flame telepathy. Denying this can hinder their growth. They might dismiss thoughts and feelings, attributing them to mere coincidences.

Twin flames often have a shared mission. Recognizing it can help overcome denial. Fulfilling this mission requires both to embrace their connection. Understandably, this isn’t easy, as self-doubt and external opinions add layers to their denial. Being open to the spiritual journey is key to experiencing the full depth of their union.

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Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: angelnumbertwinflame.com