Hidden Signs Your Twin Flame is Thinking About You

The Unseen Connection

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
6 min readMay 30, 2024


My twin flame and I have been spending time together for a little over a year now, and we regularly communicate about our feelings for each other. We even have separate journals dedicated to recording our shared experiences. When we combined our journals, we discovered that many times when I was thinking about him or he was thinking about me, we could actually feel it. We also noticed a distinct pattern in these moments of connection.

Highly recommend you follow this twin flame writer who delivers the most sincere messages with her true identity:

Yolk Gemini — Medium

Today I found these previous entries again and put them together to share with Twin Flames; before my he and I got together I often needed to read things like this as well, to validate from other people’s experiences if what I was feeling was real.

Just read this article as entertainment, the real feelings, the other person is not thinking about you, in fact, our own intuition is able to sense, after all, everyone has their own “Sophie”!

Welcome to my website AngelNumberTwinFlame, add it to your bookmarks, and get free access to synchronic communication and in-depth reports about twin flames anytime.

Sudden Emotional Waves

Consider someone who is going about their daily business as usual when all of a sudden, an unanticipated emotional outburst. Though nothing in particular is causing these intense and overwhelming emotions, they are nonetheless there. It can be a happy flash, a depressing flash, or an unexplained longing. These unexpected emotional ups and downs are sometimes regarded as important indicators in the setting of twin flames.

  • Their twin flame may be feeling happy and pleased if they suddenly feel that way.
  • In a similar vein, a wave of melancholy could indicate that the twin flame is depressed or missing their partner.
  • Strong longing may indicate that the twin flame is yearning for proximity or reunion even when everything appears to be perfect.

Those that think there is a twin flame connection contend that these feelings are not coincidental. They really are vibrant mirrors of the possible emotions of the other twin flame. Deeply felt thoughts of one’s twin flame are said to be able to transverse the link and result in mirrored emotional experiences.

Random Thoughts and Memories

Recollections of one’s twin flame that come to mind out of the blue are a strong indicator of a profound bond between the two people. In some cases, the memories are so clear that it’s as if the twin flame were physically there. During these unanticipated trips down memory lane, it is not unusual for people to feel the feelings and thoughts of their twin flame.

Frequent Signs:

  • Sudden bursts of happiness linked to past events with their twin flame
  • A clear mental image of the twin flame’s smile or laughter
  • Recalling the sound of their twin flame’s voice seemingly out of nowhere

Twin flames have a special affinity that goes beyond just being physically close. This phenomena highlights that closeness. It could be a sign that their twin flame is thinking about them too if they suddenly experience a surge of nostalgia for no apparent reason or if a certain music or smell brings back memories of their twin flame.

Telepathic Communication

Experiencing a sudden rush of emotions or thoughts that seem to originate outside oneself might hint at a telepathic connection with a twin flame. Telepathy between twin flames is an unspoken, energetic bridge allowing emotions, thoughts, and spiritual messages to pass through seamlessly. When people are bonded on this deep level, they might find that they are privy to the other’s feelings without a word being spoken.

  • Intuitive Hits: They may receive intuitive thoughts or hunches that are connected directly to what the twin flame is thinking.
  • Emotional Echoes: Feelings of unexplained happiness, sadness, or comfort could be emotional “echoes” from the twin flame.

Examples of Telepathic Communication:

  • Sudden Insight: An unexpected idea or solution that appears to come out of nowhere, which often aligns with the twin flame’s thoughts.
  • Shared Knowledge: Knowledge about a twin flame’s experience or emotions without prior communication.

People often report instances where they feel as if they are carrying on a silent conversation with their twin flame. These telepathic exchanges can happen at any moment, often when they are relaxed or not actively in touch with their twin flame. It is as if there is an invisible line where emotions and thoughts are transmitted back and forth, letting them know that their twin flame has them in mind.

Common Feelings During Telepathic Communications:

  • A sense of warmth and comfort.
  • Feeling a presence or closeness to the twin flame.
  • Sudden mood changes that seem to reflect the twin flame’s state of mind.

If one experiences these sensations, it could be an indication that their twin flame is reaching out to them on a telepathic level.

Dreams and Visions

When one’s twin flame occupies their thoughts, it’s not uncommon to experience dreams or visions where they are a central figure. These dreams are usually intense and memorable, often carrying emotional weight that lingers after waking.

  • Clarity: Dreams involving twin flames tend to be more lucid and detailed than typical dreams, suggesting a deeper psychic connection.
  • Themes: Common themes might include reliving past memories with the twin flame or envisioning future encounters.
  • Emotional Impact: The emotional resonance of such dreams is usually strong, sometimes influencing moods or feelings throughout the day.

Individuals may notice that these experiences occur more frequently when significant changes or events are happening in their twin flame’s life. It’s as if there’s an invisible thread connecting them, which tightens, amplifying these dream occurrences.

  • Recurrence: A sudden increase in dreams about the twin flame can signal their heightened attention towards the individual.
  • Intensity: The more impactful the vision or dream is, the more it suggests the presence of a twin flame’s energy.

It’s important to approach such experiences with a level head and consider them as potentially symbolic rather than literal messages. They serve as subtle signs indicating that one’s twin flame might be thinking of them, reflecting a bond that transcends physical presence.

Physical Sensations

There can be certain unexplained physical feelings that act as subtle clues when one’s twin flame is thinking about them. Some people describe an abrupt warmth spreading in their chest, like a soft hug or the love that exists beyond physical proximity. Many times, people interpret this endearing feeling as evidence of the close, harmonic bond that twin flames have.

A further intriguing sensation is the sensation of a gentle touch or caress, as though someone is gently comforting you of their existence without making any physical contact. Though nobody is obviously present, it seems as though the energies are strong enough to materialize through material worlds.

  • Warm sensation in the chest
  • Feeling of a touch on the skin
  • Presence felt around, implying closeness

These sensations are deeply personal and may seem like they are beyond normal, scientific explanations. However, for those who believe in the twin flame connection, such physical experiences might be treasured as intimate signs of this profound bond. They are ways in which the universe signals the silent conversation between soulmates, independently validated by the individuals who feel them.

Update 2024.07.03

I can no longer publish paywall stories on Medium due to regional restrictions, which has halted my income from Medium, which used to be between $20-$50 per day.

My website (angelnumbertwinflame.com) has also not been monetized with ads and is non-profit. I have considered selling good products that could help with the twin flame journey, but I have not yet received inspiration or guidance from the universe.

Currently, hundreds of people read my articles daily, and I receive notifications of highlighted articles and additions to reading lists via email. Occasionally, I also receive touching messages from people who find strength in these articles.

I hope to continue operating and providing support and motivation for our twin flame journey. I will continue updating and maintaining the non-profit nature of the site, sharing valuable twin flame information with our beloved community. However, the update frequency may decrease as I need to allocate time to generate income.

Support me on Ko-fi to keep the updates coming! Love you!



Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: angelnumbertwinflame.com