Instant Insight: Identifying Your Twin Flame or Karmic Relationship in One Minute

Why Do Toxic Relationships Always Seem So Similar?

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
3 min readJun 3, 2024


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In love and relationships, some people hold the following ideas: girls think that finding someone who loves them is a success, while guys think that they will find someone they love or who loves them after they have money or become successful. These ideas are wrong.

No matter what kind of relationship you are in, even if at the moment you think it is harmonious, this is not your destined partner, not your twin flame.

Why? Because you enter a relationship not based on what the other person is like or what the other person brings to the table, but by who you are in the relationship. This is very important, yet very few people emphasize this.

A lot of people who teach and discuss methodology talk about how to judge others, but very few tell you about the kind of mindset you should have in a relationship and what you want. Do you want something from others, or do you want to understand your identity in the relationship? These are two very different things.

It’s important to remember that your true identity is that of a creator, and that all external experiences are created by you. To determine the truth or falsity of external phenomena, look at the thoughts of your own inner source. This is the quickest and most accurate way to determine if he or she is your twin flame, without relying on external signals at all.

It’s like riding an elevator: if you are on the 20th floor and the elevator is on the first floor, do you press the up button or the down button? In reality, if you want to go to the first floor, you should press the down button, but many people mistakenly press the up button.

This example reflects whether you are clear about what you want to do in a relationship or if you just want someone else to do it for you. Some girls think about finding someone who is exceptionally well-off, gentle, kind, and respectful so they can enjoy being loved. But what do they do in the relationship?

Many men did not feel love as children, only power and control. They think that with money or power they will be able to do what they want, find someone who loves them, or find someone they can control. These wrong ideas hide many problems: not having power as a child, not being allowed to do certain things, and not feeling loved. They believe that with money they will be able to love someone else or find someone who loves them.

These wrong ideas and beliefs can lead to many problems in a relationship. Why is it that a wrong relationship is always so similar and identical? Because you lose yourself without realizing it and forget what you really want. How can you expect to get what you want from someone else if you can’t give it to yourself?

I believe you have already understood these truths. Focus on your inner true self and become a better version of yourself. Go for it!

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Wishing you a fulfilling journey with your Twin Flame!



Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: