Remember These Two Lines to Awaken Your Inner Wisdom in Twin Flame Journey

Two simple truths we often forget

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
4 min readAug 8, 2024


1. The Answer Lies Within You

Those who choose the path of spiritual growth may face many challenges.

Especially on the twin flame journey, our hearts tend to magnify many difficulties.

When you’re at your lowest, remember this: close your eyes and clear your mind.

Don’t dwell on your current problems.

This isn’t about avoidance; it’s about closing your eyes and truly feeling.

Imagine all the noise around you, disrupting and distracting you, like the external interferences in a twin flame relationship.

You’re not sensing anything real, valuable, or meaningful.

Right now, everything external seems like an illusion, all there to throw you off.

So what’s real?

Only when you close your eyes do you realize that the truth emanates from within.

This is the genuine connection between you and your twin flame.

That voice, that image, that power, that feeling — it’s all internal.

It’s not information your eyes are receiving.

Sometimes, what you see can be overwhelming.

Sometimes, what others say can be confusing.

Okay, let’s block out all sensory input and use our inner strength to break through these external barriers.

That thing is real — it’s what you want to do, who you want to be.

Confusion comes from external interference.

You’ve always known the truth, always known who you are.

You’re listening to your inner voice, and you always have been.

When you shut out all the voices that aren’t yours and stop looking at images that aren’t yours, you’ll know who you are and feel your other self more clearly.

So, no amount of seeing, hearing, or asking others will help.

Ask yourself — you’ve always known and never forgotten.

2. Everything Is Within You

That’s the critical moment on your journey, when nothing from the outside world seems valuable.

Why? Because it’s the perfect time for creation and manifestation.

Everything is now within you, including your connection with your twin flame.

If you are unable to achieve what you desire from the outside world, it indicates that the desire lies within you, in your heart, and in your hands.

That’s the feeling.

At this moment, you’ve reclaimed all your power; all strength has returned to you.

What are you still worried about? There’s nothing to worry about, right?

Really, there’s nothing to worry about.

Some people get stuck here, feeling like everything in the external world is intangible.

“Oh my God, there’s nothing left; what am I doing? Where’s my twin flame?”

That’s when you should stop looking outward and focus on your inner strength.

Feel it now; you’ve already felt it.

It’s not something you see, hear, or touch — it’s in your heart.

This is the true connection between you and your twin flame.

It’s already manifesting itself, showing its first thread.

Just follow its guidance, and you’ll see your vision, your blueprint, and the person you’re becoming.

It’s there; the power is already within you.

Don’t be afraid; don’t worry.

Now we need to bring it into this world, channelling it through you.

This blueprint needs you; you’re crucial.

Right now, you already have everything; we just need to make it visible.

Carry this feeling with you as you do everything you’re currently doing.

If you’re watching a video, watch it attentively, calm down, and feel it completely.

If you’re about to cook, wash the vegetables carefully, feel the water flow, and sense the colors of the vegetables.

Don’t just look with your eyes; see with your heart.

Feel the temperature, the smell, and everything else, even after the food has finished cooking.

You can focus and sensitively feel everything.

The things you know are the most important; every little experience is a success.

These experiences are paving the way for your connection with your twin flame.

More importantly, they’re paving the way for your personal growth and the experiences your heart truly longs for.

On your twin flame journey, your inner strength and wisdom are your most reliable guides.

Through these two simple truths, you can always maintain your connection with your inner self, and of course, with yourself and your twin flame, no matter what happens in the outside world.



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.