The Quickest and Most Effective Way to Identify Your Twin Flame

Unveiling Common Misconceptions and Revealing the Truth About Twin Flames

Elara Gemini
Twin Flame
3 min readJun 5, 2024


Many people keep asking this question. I’ve discussed this in my previous articles — there’s no need to determine it. It’s as obvious as the sun in the sky.

I guess most people ask this question during “rainy and cloudy” days. Some others mistake a karmic relationship for a twin flame, driven by an obsession they refuse to let go.

Many women learn manifestation techniques just to hold onto their SP (specific person). Now, they encounter the twin flame concept, understand manifestation and frequency adjustment, yet get entangled in emotional attachments, feeling like they’re constantly working through tasks the universe sets for them.

Today, let’s briefly talk about what a twin flame truly is. First, let’s simply understand it as both parties being in a relationship. However, this relationship lasts a lifetime, never separating. Why? Because you are one entity; he is your mirror image.

Some say true twin flames are rare. That’s not right. The idea of it being a “probability” is incorrect. If you’ve awakened, you certainly have another self on the way. Some have already met their twin flame; some haven’t yet. But it definitely exists, remember that.

If you break up, it’s not with your twin flame. Don’t confuse it. That’s a fragment of your soul; figure it out on your own. The pain of twin flames is similar to the pain of awakening — you see someone sleeping but can’t wake them up. You can’t control what happens to them. Women especially like to mentally torment their partners, with an invisible controlling desire like a nagging mother.

Divine feminines only need to do one thing in the relationship: love themselves. This constant talk about emotional attachment means bringing your spiritual energy down to the dense material world, achieving wealth, career success, and pursuing what you truly love. The more you do this, the wider and easier the path becomes. The easier it is, the more courage you’ll have to walk it, creating a positive cycle. Women, it’s time to take charge!

The divine masculine needs this version of you. But you absolutely cannot do this just for him — it will backfire. In any case, always respect your own feelings. Your self-feeling is always the top priority. Release your feminine charm, be understanding, playful, and cute, but don’t act like a nagging mother.

The divine masculine will handle his own lessons, unrelated to you. You need to believe he is equally capable. Otherwise, what’s the point of being with him?

If you don’t believe in him, he isn’t your twin flame.

So, what does this mean? I believe you’ve understood.

TUpdate 2024.07.03

I can no longer publish paywall stories on Medium due to regional restrictions, which has halted my income from Medium, which used to be between $20-$50 per day.

My website ( has also not been monetized with ads and is non-profit. I have considered selling good products that could help with the twin flame journey, but I have not yet received inspiration or guidance from the universe.

Currently, hundreds of people read my articles daily, and I receive notifications of highlighted articles and additions to reading lists via email. Occasionally, I also receive touching messages from people who find strength in these articles.

I hope to continue operating and providing support and motivation for our twin flame journey. I will continue updating and maintaining the non-profit nature of the site, sharing valuable twin flame information with our beloved community. However, the update frequency may decrease as I need to allocate time to generate income.

Support me on Ko-fi to keep the updates coming! Love you!



Elara Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame, writers needed! Happy Twin Flame Journey: