This is A Special Message for Twin Flames in Separation

The right message always come to you at the right time.

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
4 min readJul 27, 2024


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When you realize how closely this content relates to your current experiences, you must recognize that the frequencies you are experiencing are yours.

For twin flames in separation, I think you can relatively relax and take a lighter view of everything you are experiencing.

Even if you are in separation, you feel that peace. Separation is not about cutting off all contact or blocking; it’s about being unable to get close and needing to maintain a certain distance to focus on yourself.

You know your current tasks are different from your twin flame. Before twin flames unite, they are changing their habitual behaviors shaped by past painful experiences. Both you and he are dealing with these issues.

The individuals you both encountered in the past represented fragments of your souls, aspects that remained incomplete.

Therefore, before the true union arrives, you need to realign your energy and first put yourself in a peaceful and balanced state.

Then, in the 3D world, the union will unfold. Forcing a connection in the 3D world is not the right choice.

Only when the time is right will these things happen naturally. If you push yourself or insist on something before then, you will upset this balance, break the original rhythm, and disturb its pattern.

Therefore, we should not oppose these initiatives. Regardless of your stance, I believe it’s important to recognize that everyone is in a different stage of life.

And maybe you are a woman, but your masculine energy is more abundant; it’s not necessarily a given. What we call yin and yang refers to which side of yourself you present more externally.

You just need to feel yourself. Feel yourself, and all the focus should be on adjusting yourself. Don’t worry about how your twin flame is or what you should do for him/her.

Just take care of yourself. If you grow, then the other person will surely grow too. If you care too much about your twin, everything will revert to the cycle you repeatedly experienced when you intervened with others.

So I think you should relax. The next step is to adjust yourself and integrate your own energy.

The separation period between twin flames will not be too long. Keeping your most ambitious goal — your life mission — will speed up the separation. Being in a separated state is also a stage of inner growth.

I have repeatedly reminded you to look in both directions when a problem arises.

I mentioned that sometimes your shortcomings prevent you from bringing out your strengths.

So, no matter which side you are on, I hope that those who receive this message will pay more attention to the details they often overlook.

If you work on the problem but see no results, there must be another issue, possibly in a different direction.

For example, if you are very sensitive, have you ever thought that you are too empathetic with others, too easily synchronized with others’ rhythms, and neglect your own rhythm?

So, you haven’t mastered your own rhythm or tackled your own growth issues; are you doing the work for others?

And you know deep down that you cannot do anything for anyone else, even for your twin flame. Others choose their own growth path, and you cannot guide them in that direction.

What we can do is focus on our inner growth and exist safely, trustfully, happily, and joyfully.

The goal we want will then come closer to us.

Therefore, everything else is merely an extraneous program our brains have created. Don’t worry about others; just take care of yourself.

Believe in the other person, and they will have the strength, right?

Don’t take away their strength and neglect your own lessons. This implies that both of you are actually delaying your own progress.

In summary, focusing only on your inner growth is not selfish; it is actually a form of unconditional love.

Reaching out to control others is akin to wanting them to meet your requirements and ideas, and this is not true love.

Love yourself, and naturally, the other self will love you the same.

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Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.