To Twin Flame Chaser&Runners: Have You Ever Felt That Reunion is Impossible?

Reclaiming your power with inner strength.

Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame
5 min readAug 8, 2024


Is Your Reunion Destined to Transcend Self and Resistance?

Many unawakened runners often face this question.

The direct answer is that the moment you met, you were already reunited.

As souls, you are never truly separated.

Whether you are on opposite ends of the Earth or meeting between life and death, on the non-physical plane, there is no such thing as separation. In fact, this is one of the core lessons twin flame souls strive to learn in this lifetime.

Awakening from the perception of separation comes from the human perspective on Earth.

“When I first heard the story of love, I began to seek you, unaware of how blind that was. Lovers do not finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along.”

The Spiritual Truth of Twin Flames

The sorrow and pain felt from perceived separation are based on physical identification, the “self” feeling of Earthly humans.

Here, we consider ourselves separate.

As souls, we know and feel we are always together.

When you think of your twin flame, you are interacting with them.

You can even learn to “remote travel” together on the astral plane, developing a telepathic connection that disregards time and place.

Awakening the Soul Self

Since our Earthly human bodies are the focus of our experiences in this life — our foundational perspective — if we are “physically separated,” it’s a challenge to transcend this viewpoint.

However, when we begin to align with our soul self, we no longer feel pain from “separation” because we start to understand and feel that separation is a perception.

For two souls who are essentially one, this is not “reality.”

Ascension is about awakening from the illusion of separation — our souls trigger the dissolution of all Earthly human limitations and belief systems.

Twin flame union is about reuniting the twin energy systems, creating a gateway of unconditional love.

This process is happening for many twins, even across physical distances.

Reclaiming Your Power of Choice

Can you be happy without your twin flame?

The loss of your twin flame will never truly exist — at most, it’s a physical perception of separation.

Secondly, happiness is an energy — a state of being.

It’s something you either support and allow for yourself or deny yourself.

This may seem daunting, but consider this:

The essence of happiness is deciding to be happy in every moment.

When we view happiness as something in the future dependent on external events or other people, we deprive ourselves of joy in the here and now.

Most Earthly humans subscribe to a “when” view of happiness.

Thinking, “I’ll be happy when I reunite with my twin flame/move to another city/get married/find my dream job.”

The problem is this disempowers you.

It places your happiness in the hands of “external” events.

Many twin flames end up in a rollercoaster state of highs and lows.

Much pain stems from this.

The Choice of Alignment

Spirit tells us that joy is a lifestyle, a habit we can cultivate.

We can allow ourselves to be happy with the “small things” in life.

Then, we reclaim the power of our happiness — being happy from the inside out, rather than waiting for circumstances to “make us happy.”

The remarkable thing is that when you allow yourself to be happy in the moment, you elevate your energetic vibration enough to receive the love and “external joys” you’ve been longing for.

Because as you read earlier, energy is like a radio station.

What we focus on is what we “tune in” to receive more of.

Thus, happiness attracts happiness.

And worrying and waiting for our twin flame to change or reunite only brings more worry and waiting.

Longing for Another Self

Twin flames are always drawn to each other.

Will you feel a deep sense of fulfillment without physical intimacy with another self? That remains to be seen.

However, it is absolutely possible to be happy without being physically united with your twin flame.

You can share bliss with your twin flame on the soul level (learn how to call upon their higher self here, they always have unconditional love and support for you), even if living separate physical lives as Earthly humans.

Even if you are not together, your soul will be happy for your twin flame.

It knows that life on Earth is a journey of learning, and twins are glad to explore the variations of life, love, relationships, and Earthly living — even if you are apart.

Your souls are so certain of their love for each other that whatever happens on Earth is merely a detail in the larger connection.

We have loved each other from the start, knowing that when the journey of life ends, we will love each other again.

Love is what connects us.

Love is the eternal truth of the twin flame connection.

Ascension and Twin Flames

Feeling drawn to your twin flame doesn’t mean you can’t feel joy in your life without them.

As we ascend to higher vibrations, the pain of Earthly human separation doesn’t exist because it is born from fear.

Clearing your energy and raising your vibration can help you enjoy the positive aspects of the connection without becoming pained by the challenges.

When you raise your vibration, you will begin to attract more and more highs in your connection: love, harmony, bliss — union.

Some people always feel like twin flames are “ordered” to come together or to separate.

There are always so many external reasons you can find.

I want you to know that no one orders some twin flames to be separated.

One way or another, twins will reunite.

The fact is, no one chooses for you; you are the master of your journey, you are a co-creator.

Coming together in union and sharing love with your twin soul on Earth is a key reason you chose to incarnate.

You are deeply determined to come together harmoniously, and your guidance team is always working to help make this happen.

However, it is always voluntary.

Without your participation, no one will bring you reunion or happiness.

The Truth About Twin Flame Reunion!

It’s true, not all twin flames will come together in union — simply because many will choose “not” to do the necessary soul work to achieve it.

But I want you to know that no matter what has happened before, it is always possible for two twin flames to come together in love.

Because love is the natural state between twin flames, everything else is due to the “baggage” carried through life.

If you choose to commit to making it happen and want it to happen, your soul is strong enough to bring about reunion and love — but it will require you to address obstacles and issues correctly.



Yolk Gemini
Twin Flame

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.